N5103 Flashcards
Explain the parameters of a no-wind holding pattern.
The standard no-wind holding pattern is flown by following a specified holding course inbound to the holding fix, making a 180° turn to the right, flying a heading outbound to parallel the holding course, and making another 180° turn to the right to intercept and follow the holding course to the fix (Figure 8.1). The holding pattern is nonstandard when the turns are made to the left. Unless otherwise instructed by ATC, pilots are expected to hold in a standard pattern.
AFMAN11-217V1 (8.1.1)
What is the timing of a holding pattern in the NAS? ICAO?
NAS: The standard no-wind length of the inbound leg of the holding pattern is 1 minute when holding at or below 14,000 feet MSL and 1½ minutes when holding above 14,000 feet MSL. DME holding patterns specify the outbound leg length. If holding at a DME fix without specified outbound leg length, use timing procedures listed above.
AFMAN11-217V1 (8.1.1)
ICAO: The standard times are: 1 minute outbound at or below 14,000 feet MSL, or 1 1/2 minutes outbound above 14,000 feet MSL.
AFMAN11-217V1 (15.5.6)
If multiple NAVAIDs (LOC, VOR, TACAN, NDB) define a holding fix, which one should the pilot use? Which is the most accurate to use while holding?
While in holding, the localizer signal is the most accurate method of determining aircraft position. However, if a VOR, TACAN or NDB also defines the holding pattern, it‘s the pilot‘s option as to which NAVAID to use.
AFMAN11-217V1 (8.1.2)
When ATC gives you instructions to hold that are not published what information is required from ATC?
Direction. Direction of holding from the fix.
Holding fix. The holding fix.
Holding course. Radial, course, bearing, airway, or route on which the aircraft is to hold.
Leg length. Outbound leg length in miles, if DME or RNAV is to be used.
Direction of turn. Left turns, if nonstandard.
Expect Further Clearance. Time to expect further clearance and any pertinent additional delay information.
o Example: Hold northwest of the 106 radial, 40 DME fix, 10-mile legs, left turns. Expect further clearance at 1725Z, time now 1710Z.
AFMAN11-217V1 (
If approaching your clearance limit fix when should you expect further clearance? What should you do if you don’t receive a clearance?
ATC should issue holding instructions at least 5 minutes before reaching a clearance limit fix. When an aircraft is 3 minutes or less from a clearance limit and a clearance beyond the fix has not been received, the pilot is expected to start a speed reduction so that the aircraft will cross the fix at or below the maximum holding airspeed. If holding instructions have not been received upon arrival at the fix, hold in accordance with procedures in FLIP. For two-way radio failure holding procedures, refer to the FIH.
AFMAN11-217V1 (8.2.3)
What are the maximum holding speeds with associated altitudes?
ALTITUDE (MSL) Max Speed MHA through 6,000‘ ------------- 200 KIAS Above 6,000‘ through 14,000‘-- 230 KIAS Above 14,000‘ --------------------- 265 KIAS
USAF - 310 KIAS unless otherwise noted
USN - 230 KIAS unless otherwise noted.
AFMAN11-217V1 (8.2.4)
When are you established in holding?
You are considered established in the holding pattern upon initial passage of the holding fix.
AFMAN11-217V1 (8.3.2)
At what angle of bank should you fly in a holding pattern?
Unless correcting for known winds, make all turns during entry and while holding at: 3 degrees per second, or 30 degree bank angle, or bank angle commanded by the flight director system, whichever requires the least bank angle. The bank angle on the entry turn may be varied (up to 30 degrees maximum) to obtain the desired displacement in the holding pattern.
AFMAN11-217V1 (8.3.3)
Describe the 70 degree method and AIM method of holding? How are the entries different?
See AFMAN11-217V1 ( &
- What is considered the timing leg in holding? Inbound or Outbound?
On the initial outbound leg do not exceed the appropriate time for the altitude. Adjust subsequent outbound legs as necessary to meet the required inbound time.
AFMAN11-217V1 (8.5.2)
To what leg will adjustments be made to stay within the prescribed holding time?
After completing the first circuit of the holding pattern, adjust the time outbound as necessary to provide the desired inbound times.
AFMAN11-217V1 (
When does timing start outbound?
Outbound. Begin outbound timing when over or abeam the fix. If you cannot determine the abeam position, start timing when wings level outbound.
AFMAN11-217V1 (
When does timing start inbound?
Inbound. Begin inbound timing when wings level inbound.
AFMAN11-217V1 (
When directed by ATC to depart the holding pattern at a certain time what adjustments need to be made?
Knowing the time it takes you to fly a holding pattern will allow you to meet an EFC. As an approximation, 1/100th of TAS will give the number of minutes to fly a 360° turn at 30° of bank. (For example, at 350 knots true airspeed (KTAS), a 360° turn takes about 3.5 minutes.) Aircraft flying standard rate turns cover 360° in 2 minutes. Add to the time for turning the number of minutes to fly the inbound and outbound legs.
AFMAN11-217V1 (
Explain how to make drift corrections in holding?
Mach: Divide the crosswind component by the mach times 10. Example: 50 knots crosswind and 300 KTAS (.5M) = 10° drift correction, or
TAS: Divide the crosswind component by the aircraft speed in nautical miles per minute. Example: 30 knots crosswind and 180 KTAS (3NM per minute) 30÷3 = 10° drift correction.
Applying drift corrections. Compensate for wind effect primarily by drift correction on the inbound and outbound legs. When outbound, triple the inbound drift correction; e.g., if correcting left by 8 degrees when inbound, correct right by 24 degrees when outbound.
AFMAN11-217V1 (