N2 L1: 11/23。一応 June 28, 2024 (F) Flashcards
Just in case,
Just to be sure
—6/28/24 F. 1604. Rec 7
これで大丈夫だと思うけど、 一応チェックしておいてくれない?
I think this is fine, but just to be sure, can you please double check it for me?
—6/28/24 F. 1608. Rec 7.
Before testing something, a conversation between employees: ‘(I don’t think they really care, but) Just in case, I will tell them in advance.’
従業員: じゅうぎょういん: employee
—6/28/24 F. 1613. Rec. 7
Chat between roommates: ‘I have a facebook account just in case, but I don’t use it much.’
—6/28/24 F. 1615. Rec. 7
Conversation between friends: ‘He said that plain clothes are okay, but just in case, he wore a suit.’
私服: しふく:Casual clothes
—6/28/24 F. 1617. Rec. 7
Teacher, to students: ‘I do not think that we will need scissors, but just in case, please prepare them.’
—6/28/24 F. 1618. Rec. 7
A friend is giving advice: ‘If you move, just in case, greet the neighbors.’
助言: じょげん: advice
挨拶してください: あいだつしてください: please greet
—6/28/24 F. 1620. Rec. 7.
Chat between friends: ‘ I have charged this smartphone, but just in case, I also brought a power bank.’
—6/28/24 F. 1621. Rec. 7.
‘(I don’t think that your request will be fulfilled, but) just in case I will tell that to the person in charge (in advance).’
* 要望: ようぼう: request
叶えられない: <か>: cannot be fulfilled/achieved.
—6/28/24 F. 1628. Rec. 7.</か>
Chat between roommates: ‘I checked if the doors were closed just in case, but to be really sure, let’s check again.’
戸締り: とじまり:locking the door.
—6/28/24 F. 1631. Rec. 7.
‘Just in case, be careful since you are walking at night. Alright, I’ll see you tomorrow.’
*夜道: よみち: walking at night; night road.
—6/28/24 F. 1634. Rec. 7.