Myology Specific Muscles Flashcards
Because their attachments and actions are different
Trapezius - three different parts
Upper fibers
A, O, I
A -
bilaterally: extend the head and neck
Unilaterally: elevate the scapula (scapulothoracic joint) & upwardly rotate the scapula (s/t) joint
O - superior nuchal line, EOP (external occipital protuberance) and nuchal ligament (axial)
I - lateral 1/3 clavicle (anterior surface/appendicular)
Named for its shape
O: Nuchal ligament at C6 spinal process (S.P.) C7 - T3
I: acromion process and spine of the scapula
A: retraction of the scapula (adduction)
O: S.P. of T4-T12
I: tubercle of the spine of the scapula
A: depression of the scapula (abduction)/ upward rotation of the scapula
A, I, O
A-retraction of the scapula (adduction)
O-SP of C7 and T1
I-medial/vertebral border of the scapula level with the root spine of the scapula
Named for geometric shape
Rhomboid major
A, I, O
A- retraction of the scapula (adduction)
O- SP of T2 to T5
I-medial/vertebral border of the scapula between the spine and the inferior angle
Named for geometric shape
levator scapula
A, I, O
A- elevate the scapula
O- TRanverse process of C1-4
I - superior angle of the scapula
Splenius cervicis
A, I, O
O - SP of T3-T6
I - TP OF C1-C3
A - unilaterally ipsilateral flexion and ipsilateral rotation head and neck
Bilaterally - extend/hyperextended the neck HYPEREXTENSION
Splenius - bandage ,
Splenius capitis
A, I, O
A- bilateral: extension of head and neck
Unilateral : ipsilateral rotation and lateral flexion
O - lower portion of the nuchal ligament and spinous process of C7-T3
I - mastoid process of the superior nuchal line (lateral) of occipital bone
Second layer of posterior cervical muscles
A, I, O
Named for it’s attachment. Sterno- sternum Clavicular- clavical mastoid - mastoid process
I: mastoid process of the temporal bone and lateral portion of the superior nuchal line of occiput
O: sternal head: top of the manubrium
Clavicular head: medial one third of the clavicle
Unilaterally: contralateral rotation of the head, ipsilateral flexion of the head/neck
Bilaterally: flexion of the neck, extension of the head
anterior deltoid
A, O, I
O - lateral 1/3 of clavicle
A- all fibers: abduct the shoulder joint
Anterior: flex the humerus, medially rotate the shoulder joint, horizontally adduct the shoulder joint
I- deltoid tuberosity
middle deltoid
A, O, I
O - acromion
I- deltoid tuberosity
A- all fibers: abduct the shoulder joint
Posterior deltoid
A, O, I
O - spine of the scapula
I - deltoid tuberosity
A - all fibers: abduct the shoulder joint
Posterior: extend the humerus, laterally rotate the shoulder joint, horizontally abduct the shoulder joint
Triceps brachii
A, I, O
A - extends the elbow
O - long head - infraglenoid tubercle;
lateral head - posterior proximal 1/2 humerus lateral to radial/spiral groove;
medial head - posterior distal 1/2 humerus medial to radial/spiral groove
I - olecranon process of ulna for all three heads
Named for three heads, arm
Extensior carpi radialis longus
A, I, O
Origin - distal 1/3 lateral supracondylar ridge (humerus) and lateral epicondyle via common extensor tendon
I - base 2nd metacarpal
A - extension and radial deviation of wrist
Extensor carpi radialis brevis
A, I, O
O - Lateral epicondyle via common extensor tendon
I - base of 3rd metacarpal
A - extension and radial deviation of wrist
Extensor carpi ulnaris
A, I, O
I- base of 5th metacarpal and hamate
O. - lateral epicondyle of humerus via the common extensor tendon and proximal posterior boarder ulna
A. - wrist extension and ulnar deviation or adduction of the wrist (combined action)
Named for location and action
Flexor carpi radialis
A, O, I
Named for action and location
A: flexion of wrist and Abduction of wrist (towards radius)
I: base of 2nd and 3rd metacarpal
O: medial epicondyle of humerus via the flexor tendon
Palaris longus
A, I, O
O - medial epicondyle via the flexor tendon
I - palmar aponeurosis
A - flexion of wrist
- not present in everyone
- *only tendon not under flexor retinaculum
Flexor carpi ulnaris
A, I, O
I- base of 5th metacarpal, hamate, and pisiform
O- medial epicondyle of humerus via the flexor tendon (humeral head); olecranon process ulna (ulnar head)
A - wrist flexion and ulnar deviation or adduction of the wrist (combined action)
Named for location and action
Rotator cuff
4 muscles
Teres minor
Superaspinatus runs deep to the trapezius
A, I, O
A- abduct the shoulder; stabilize the head of the humerus in glenoid cavity
O- superaspinous fossa of the scapula
I - greater tubercle of the humerus
A, I, O
A- laterally rotate the shoulder, adduct the shoulder, extension of the humerus
O - infraspinous fossa of the scapula
I - greater tubercle of the humerus
Teres minor
A, I, O
A - laterally rotate the shoulder, stabilize the head of the humerus in the glenoid cavity
O - upper 2/3 of lateral/axillary border
I - greater tuberercle of the humerus
A, I, O
A - medially rotate the shoulder, stabilize the head of the humerus in the glenoid cavity
O - subscapular fossa of the scapula (costal surface of the scapula)
I - lesser tubercle of the humerus
Pectoralis major
Actions of both heads - synergysts
- Adduction
- Horizontal adduction
- Medial rotation
Pectoralis major
A, O, I
Clavicular head
Clavicular head
O - medial half of the clavicle
I - distal attachment: lateral lip of the bicipital grove (intertubercular groove)of the humerus
A - flexion of the shoulder
Named for size and location
Pectoral major
A, O, I
Sternocostal head
O: (proximal/axial attachment)manubrium & body of sternum. 1st to 6 or 7 costal cartilages
I: (distal attachment) lateral lip of the bicipital groove of the humerus
A: extension of the shoulder
Serratus anterior
A, I, O
A- protraction/abduction of the scapula
I- superior and inferior angle of the scapula and medial margin in between
O - Lateral aspect of 1st through 8-9 ribs
Named for shape and location
Serrat - saw like;
Weak muscle is a wing scapula
Pectoralis minor
A, I, O
A - depress the scapula, anterior tilt of scapula, abduction (protraction) of the scapula, downward rotation of the scapula
O - ribs 3-5 (anterior surface, near costal cartilage)
I - coracoid process of the scapula
Named for location and size
Quadratus lumborum
A, I, O
Unilateral: ipsilateral flexion, lateral pelvic tilt (to same side)
Bilateral: extension of the spine, fix the ribs during inhalation
O- proximal attachment: 12th rib (internal margin), TP of L1-L4
I- distal attachment: iliac crest (internal lip)
Erector spinea
Erector - straight; spinea - spirals
A collective name for the group of three muscles that extend and maintain balance of the spine and rib cage. They are used in strong contraction in coughing and straining. Can be referred to as “sacrospinalis”, or “paraspinal” or “paravertebral”
Erector spinea group
Actions same for all muscles
Unilaterally - laterally flex vertebral column to the same side
Bilaterally - extend the vertebral column
I, O
Closest to the spine; spinous process to spinous process
O - spinous processes of the upper lumbar and lower thoracic vertebrae (THORACIS); ligamentum nuchae, spinous process of C-7 (CERVICIS)
I- spinous process of upper thoracic (THORACIS); spinous process of cervical s, except C-1 (CERVICIS)
I, O
Is the longest and goes to cranium (sacrum to mastoid process)
Intermediate to the spinalis and the iliocostalis
Transverse to transverse with some rib attachment
O - TP lumbar to the common tendon (THORACIS); TP of upper thoracic vertebrae (CERVICIS AND CAPITIS)
I - lower nine ribs and TP OF 4-12 thoracic vertebrae (THORACIS); TP of cervical vertebrae (CERVICIS); mastoid process of the temporal bone (CAPITIS)
O, I
O: sacrum and ilium via common tendon (lumborum), inferior borders of ribs 1-12 (thoracic and cervicis
I: inferior border of ribs 1-6 (thoracis), TP of lower cervicals (cervicis)
Teres major
A, I, O
A: extend the shoulder, adduct the shoulder, medially rotate shoulder
O: lateral side inferior angle of the scapula, lower half of axillary border of scapula
I: medial lip of bicipital groove. Or crest of the lesser tubercle of the humerus
Lattissimus dorsi
A, I, O
A- extend the shoulder, Adduct the shoulder, Medially rotate the shoulder
O - S.P. T8-L5, sacrum, iliac crest (external lip of posterior crest). Via the thoracolumbar aponeurosis
I - medial lip of the bicipital groove of humerus
Gluteus Maximus
A, O, I
O: posterior gluteal line of illum, posterior sacrum & coccyx, sacrotuberous ligament (sacrum to ischial tuberosity)
I: gluteal tuberosity on posterior femur, lateral condyle of tibia via illiotibial band or tract
A: extension of the hip
Gluteus medius
A, O, I
Named for
A-abduction of the femur at hip, medial rotation of the femur
I - greater trochanter
O - Posterior ilium between superior/posterior and middle/anterior gluteal lines
Named for size
Gluteus minimus
A, O, I
Named for
A - abduction of femur at the hip, medial rotation of femur
I - greater trochanter
O - gluteal surface between anterior/middle and inferior gluteal lines
Named for size
A, I, O
A- lateral rotation of the femur and extension of the hip; abduction, horizontal abduction, and medial rotation of the FLEXED HIP
I - distal attachment - upper border of the greater trochanter (superior aspect)
O - proximal attachment - anterior surface of the sacrum
Pear shaped
A, I, O
A- flex the knee; extension of the hip
I- proximal, medial shaft of the tibia at pes anserinus tendon
O- ischial tuberosity
A, I, O
A- flex the knee; extend the hip
I- posterior aspect of the medial condyle of tibia
O - ischial tuberosity
Biceps femoris
Two heads femur
A, O, I
Origin or proximal attachment:
Long head - ischial tuberosity
Short head - linea aspera
Insertion or distal attachment: head of the fibula
Long head- extend the hip and flex the knee
Short head - flex the knee
Biceps femoris is the lateral hamstring, the two medial hamstrings will be covered later
Named for its number of heads and origin
Tensor fascia latea
A, I, O
O - superior attachment - ASIS and adjacent lateral and posterior surface of the ilium
I - the IT band and the lateral condyle of the tibia
A - flex the hip, medially rotate the hip, abduct the hip and help stabilize the knee
Named for action: tenses the broad bandage
rectus femoris
named for the direction of it’s fibers and it’s location
O: AIIS (anterior inferior illiac spine)
I: Tibial tuberosity
A: hip flexion & knee extension
Vastus lateralis
A, O, I
A - extend the knee (tibiofemoral joint)
O - lateral lip of the linea aspera, gluteal tuberosity and greater trochanter
I - tibial tuberosity (via the patella and patellar ligament)
Vastus medialis
A - extend the knee (tibiofemoral joint)
O - medial lip of the linea aspera
I - tibial tuberosity via the patella ligament
Vastus intermedius
A, O, I
A - extend the knee
O- anterior and lateral shaft of the femur
I - tibial tuberosity ( via the patella and patellar ligament)
A, I, O
A - origin fixed: flex the hip
Insertion fixed: flex the trunk toward the thigh
I - lesser trochanter
O - iliac fossa
Psoas major
A, I, O
A - origin fixed: flex the hip
Insertion fixed: flex trunk toward the thigh
Unilaterally- assist to laterally flex the lumbar spine
O - bodies of the transverse process of lumbar vertebrae
I - lesser trochanter