Myology midterm review Flashcards
Which muscle depresses and protracts the scapula
Pec minor
Where does pec minor insert
Which head of pec major performs flexion of the glenohumeral joint
Which is the strongest protractor of the scapula
Serratus anterior
Pec major has attachments on the
All of the above
Costal cartilages
Which muscle has inferior/distal attachments on the lateral clavicle, acromion process and spine of the scapula?
What two muscles, if chronically hyper-contracted, would most likely cause the rhomboidal to become over stretched, and there fore inhibited, weak and painful?
Pectoral is minor and serratus anterior
Which is considered the distal attachment of the pectorial major muscle?
Bicipital groove
Which muscle does not attach to the scapula?
Pec major
Subscapular is
Pec minor
Pectoralis major
Which muscle is part of the rotator cuff?
When performing extension of the glenohumeral joint the superior head of the pectoral is major is considered the agonist and the inferior head is considered the antagonist.
Which term best describes a state in which the current oxygen supply is inadequate for the physiological needs of the tissue?
Which originates on the infraglenoid tubercle?
Long head of the triceps brachii
Which portion of the deltoid flexes and medially rotates the humerus
Anterior deltoid
Origin of elevator scapula
TP c1-4
Which muscle is not a flexor of the humorous
Pick one on the back
Which term describes adduction in the wrist
Ulnar deviation
Common extensor tendon comes off
Lateral epicondyle is tennis elbow
Which muscle is the strongest protractor of scapula
Serratus anterior
Insertion of spleious CAPITIS
Nuchal line of occupant
SCM unilateral action
Unilaterally: contralateral rotation of the head, ipsilateral flexion of the head/neck
Bilaterally: flexion of the neck, extension of the head
Frontal of scapula
Anterior, ventral,