(Chapter 42)
Cell wall component of Mycobacteria is distinct to other bacteria, in that it contains _________ instead of N-acetylmuramic acid
N-glycolylmuramic acid
Method of staining for Mycobacteria
AFB (acid fast staining )
First stain- carbol fuschin (red)
Characteristic of Most mycobacteria that enables them to retain color of the fuschin dye used in staining
- Resistant to decolorization by acidified alcohol (3% HCL)
Incubation period for Rapid- growing mycobacteria
sooner than 7 days after subculture to lowenstein-Jensen medium
Imcubation period for Slow-growing mycobacteria
later than 7 day
- usually formation of visible colonies is 2-60 days at optimum temp.
The clumping and slow growth of Mycobacteria organisms is due to
- hyrophobic cell surface
- this hydrophobicity causes organism to clump so that nutrients are not easily allowed into the cell.