Mutlifetal Malpresentation - Moulton Flashcards
If cleavage occurs > 13 days what do the membranes look like?
Conjoined twins
Which presentations of twins may deliver vaginally?
Which presentations of twins CANNOT be delivered vaginally?
A recipient twin being perfused in a reverse direction w/poorly oxygenated blood fails to develop normally known as what?
Clinical features?
Acardiac twin
Fully formed LEs w/no structures cephalad of abdomen
What kind of breech is 1 or both thighs extended and 1 or both feet below the buttocks?
ONLY C-section delivery
What is the most dangerous twin presentation?
Monochorionic monoamniotic
Cord entanglement
How are dizygotic twins diagnosed on US?
Diff fetal gender
Thick amnion-chorion septum
Peak or inverted V sign
What is defined when a fetal extremity is found prolapsed alongside the presenting fetal part (head)?
How to remedy?
Compound presentation
Pinch hand or upward pressure, if fails C-section
When can retained dead fetus syndrome develop?
Gestation 20 weeks or greater
When should monoamniotic twins be delivered?
32 weeks
26 weeks
What occurs when the presenting part of the fetus is bw the facial orbits and anterior fontanelle?
Presenting diameter is what?
Deliver how?
Brow presentation
Supraoccipitomental diameter
C section ONLY
If gestation is < 12 weeks what happens to a dead fetus?
After 12 weeks?
Reabsorbed, “vanishing twin”
Fetus papyraceus (it shrinks, dehydrates, flattens)
During assisted breech vaginal delivery where is cephalic flexion maintained?
Pressure on maxiall, NOT mandible
Antepartum management of twins requires what in the 1st and 2nd trimesters?
2 wk office visits and cervical length US (< 2.5 = inc risk)
Cervical length < 25 mm at 24-28 weeks 2x risk for premature birth
What is characterized by full extension of the fetal head and neck w/occiput against upper back?
What is chosen as point of designation?
Face presentation
What forceps are used in Breech delivery?
Peanut Butter
ECV is what?
For whom?
Apply pressure to mother’s abdomen to turn fetus
36 weeks gestation not in labor
Can mentum anterior be delivered vaginally?
Mentum posterior?
MA ok
How are monozygotic twins diagnosed on US?
Dividing membrane is fairly thin
What type of breech are the thighs flexed and LE flexed?
What is the most common factor assoc. w/breech presentation?
Dx how?
Leopold’s maneuver, US, pelvic exam
What type of breech is the most common, thighs are flexed and LE are extended at the knees?
If cleavage occurs 9-12 days what do the membranes look like?
Monochorionic, monoamniotic
If cleavage occurs 0-3 days what do the membranes look like?
Dichorionic, diamniotic
TTTS tx?
Serial amniocentesis w/amniotic fluid reduction
Laser photocoagulation
When do interplacental vascular anastomoses occur?
90% in monochorionic twins
Monozygotic twins arise from what?
Cleavage of a single fertilized ovum during embryogenesis
If cleavage occurs 4-8 days what do the membranes look like?
Monochorionic, diamniotic