Must know vocabulary, chump Flashcards
a, abs, ab
(away) from, by (alb)
ac, atque
and, also; as, than
accipere, accepi, aceptus: to receive, accept; learn, hear
Acestes, ae
king in Sicily
actus, a, um
lead, drive, do
to, forward, at near, about
adsum esse, fui
to be present, assist
Aeneas, ae
Trojan Prince
aequor, aequoris
sea, waves; plan
age, agite
up! come! lead on!
agmen, agmeninis
army, line, troop
ago, agree, ego, actus
lead, drive, do
ajo, ais, ait
say, speak, asset
alius, a, ud
other, another, else
altus, a, um
high, lofty deep
amor, amoris
love, desire, passion
Anchises, ae
Trojan prince
anima, ae
air, breathe, life, soul, shade
animus, i
soul, spirit, breathe
before; sooner, previously
antiquus, a, um
old, aged, former
ara, arae
ardeo, ardere, ardarsi, arsus
burn, be eager
arma, amorum
arms, equipment
arvu, arvi
plowed land, field, region
arx, arcis
citadel, fort
at, ast
but, yet, however
ater, atra, atrum
black, gloomy
atque, ac
and, also
audio, audire, audivi, auditus
hear of, hearken
aura, aurae
breeze, air; favor; light
aurum, auri
or, either
bellum, belli
war, combat, fight
caelum, caeli
campus, campi
plain, field
capio, capere, cept, captus
take, seize
caput, capitis
head; summit; life, person
casus, a, um
chance, misfortune
cerno, cernere, crevi, cretus
discern, perceive
around, about, at, near
clamor, clamoris
shout, roar, applaus
classis, classis
fleet, army, ship
comes, comitis
comrade, follower
conjunx, conjugis
husband, wife
corpus, corporis
body, corpse, form
cum (conj)
when, while, since, although
cum (prep)
with (abl)
cunctus, a, um
all, whole, entire
cura, curae
care, anxiety, grief
cursus, cursus
course, running; haste
Danaus, a, um
Danann, Greek
(down, away) from, of, concerning, according to
dea, deae
deus, dei
god, divinity, deity
dexter, dextera, dexterum
right hand, favorable
dico, dicere, dixi, dictus
to say, speak, tell
dictum, dicti
word, speech
Dido, Didonis
legendary founder and queen of Carthage
dies, diei
day, time, season
divus, a, um
divine, heavenly, deified
do, dare, dedi, datus
give forth, grant, allow
domus, domus
household, home
donum, doni
gift, offering
duco, ducere, duxi, ductus
lead, draw, protract
while, as long as
e, ex
out of, from, according to (alb)
ego, mei
eo, ire, ivi, itus
go, proceed, come
equus, equi
horse, steed
eripio, eripere, eripui, ereptus
snatch from, tear away
erro, errare, erravi, erratum
to stray, wander, err
and also, even, too
facio, facere, feci, factus
to do, make, perform
fama, famae
fame, report, reputation
fatum, fati
fate, destiny
fero, ferre, tuli, latus
to bear, endure
ferrum, ferri
iron, sword
fessus, a, um
tired, weary
finis, finis
end, limit, border
flamma, flammae
fire, flame
fluctus, fluctus
wave, tide
for, fari, fatus
to say, speak, tell
fors, fortis
chance, fortune
fortuna, fortunae
fuga, fugae
flight, haste, exile
fugio, fugere, fugi
flee from, escape
fundo, fundere, fudi, fusus
pour out, shed
furo, furere, furui
rage, rave
futurus, a, um
destined, impending
geminus, a, um
twin, double, two
genitor, genitoris
begetter, father, sire
gens, gentis
clan, race
genus, generis
birth, origin, race
habeo, habere, habui, habitus
to have, hold
not, by no means
hic (adv)
here, there, thereupon
hic, haec, hac
this, that; he, she it
from this place
honos, honoris
honor, glory, reward
to this place, hither, here
idem, eadem, idem
same, the same
ignis, ignis
fire, flame, light
ille, illa, illud
that, he, she it
immanis, immane
huge, monstrous
imperium, imperii
command, power
imus, a, um
superlative of infernus
infelix, infelicis
inferus, a, um
low, below, underneath
ingens, ingentis
enormous, mighty, huge
between, among
ipse, ipsa, ipsum
self; very
ira, irae
wrath, rage
is, ea, id
this, that; he, she it
now, already, finally
Jovis, Jovi
jubeo, jubere, jussi, jussus
command, order, bid
Juno, Junonis
queen of the gods
labor, laboris
labor, hardship
lacrima, lacrimae
tear, compassion
laetus, a, um
limen, liminis
threshold, doorway
litus, litoris
shore, strand, coast
locus, loci
place, region
longus, aum
long, wide, distant
lumen, luminis
light, lamp; eye; life
lux, lucis
light, sun, day
magnus, a, um
great, large, huge
major, majus
comparative of magnus
maneo, manere, mansi, mansus
to remain, abide
manus, manus
hand; band, troop
mare, maris
mater, matris
superlative of magnus
medius, a, um
mens, mentis
meus, a, um
my own, mine
miser, misera, miserum
miserable, unhappy
mitto, mittere, misi, missus
send, hurl, dismiss
moenia, moenium
walls, city
mons, montis
mors, mortis
death, destruction
moveo, movere, movi, motus
move, ponder
multus, a, um
much, many, abundant
munus, muneris
function, duty
nam, namque
for; indeed, truly
natus, nati
son, child, young
navis, navis
ship, boat, vessel
neque, nec
nor, neither, and not
nomen, nominis
name, fame
not, no
noster, nostra, nostrum
our, ours
novus, a, um
new, young, strange
nox, noctis
night, darkness
nullus, a, um
none, no, no one
numen, numinis
divinity, power
but now, soon, as it is
oculus, oculi
odd forms of ille
omnis, omne
all, every, whole, universal
ora, orae
shore, coast, region
os, oris
mouth, face; speech
parens, parentis
parent, ancestor
paro, parare, paravi, paratum
to prepare, make
pars, partis
part, portion
pater, patris
patrius, a, um
paternal, ancestral
pectus, pectoris
breast, heart, soul
pelagus, pelagi
sea, flood, waves
through, by means of, over, amoung
pes, pedis
peto, petere, petivi, petitus
to seek, attack, aim
pius, a, um
devoted, loyal
comparative of multus
superlative of multus
comparative of multus
poena, poenae
punishment, penalty
pono, ponere, posui, positus
put, place, found, establish
portus, portus
port, harbor, haven
possum, posse, potui
to be able to, can, avail
primus, a, um
first, foremost, chief
far, at a distance
puer, pueri
boy, child
puppis, puppis
stern; ship, vessel
quaero, quaerere, quaesivi, quaesitus
seek, miss, inquire
qui, quae, quod
who, which, what
quis, quid,
who? which?
some time, formerly
refero, referre, rettuli, relatum
bear back, restore, carry off
regina, reginae
regnum, regni
royal power, kingom
relinquo, relinquere, relique, relictus
leave, desert, surrender
remus, remi
res, rei
rex, regis
rue, ruere, rui, ruitus
fall, rush, sink
sacer, sacra, sacrum
sacred, holy, consecrated
sanguis, sanguinis
blood; race, descendant
saxum, saxi
stone, rock
but, moreover
sedes, sedis
seat; abode, habitation
sequor, sequi, secutus
to follow
servo, servare, servavi, servatum
to observe, watch
whether, if, in case that
thus, so, in this manner
sidus, sideris
star, constellation, meteor
silva, silvae
forest, wood
at the same time, together
socius, socii
ally, comrade
solus, a, um
alone, only, lonely
somnus, somni
sleep, slumber
sto, stare, steti, status
stand, halt, endure
from under, close to, beneath
subeo, subire, subivi, subitus
to go under, bear
of himself
sum, esse, fui, futurus
to be, exist
superlative of superus
above, beyond, left, in addition
superus, a, um
higher, above
supremus,a ,um
superlative of superus
surgo, surgere, surrexi, surrectus
to raise, to rise
talis, tale
such, of such short
at length, finally
tantus, a, um
so great, so much
tectum, tecti
roof, house
tellus, telluris
earth, land, country
telum, teli
weapon, wound
tempus, temporis
time; occasion
tendo, tendere, tetendi, tentus
to stretch, hasten, strive
teneo, tenere, tenui, tentus
to have, hold, restrain
terra, terrae
land, earth
tollo, tollere, sustuli, sublatus
to lift, to raise
totus, a, um
all, every, whole
traho, trahere, traxi, tractus
to drag, draw
tristis, triste
sad, unhappy
tu, tui
tum, tunc
then, at that time
tuus, a, um
yours, your own
where, when
ullus, a, um
anyone, any
umbra, umbrae
shade, shadow
umerus, umeri
unda, undae
wave, billow
urbs, urbis
city, town
vastus, a, um
desolate, vast
vates, vatis
prophet, seer
velum, veli
cloth, canvas
venio, venire, veni, ventus
to come, go
ventus, venti
wind, breeze
via, viae
road, way
victor, victoris
video, videre, vidi, visus
to see, perceive
vinco, vincere, vici, victus
to conquer, surpass
vir, viri
vis, vis
power, force, violence
vita, vitae
life, soul
scarecely, feebly
voco, vocare, vocavi, vocatum
to call, name, address
volo, velle, volui,
to will, wish
volvo, volvere, volvi, volutus
to revovle, to undergo
vox, vocis
voice, word