Final Exam Grammar Review Flashcards
interfusa genas et pallida morte futura
find and define the accusative of respect with a participle
genas is the accusative of respect with the participle interfusa
accusative of respect: in poetry, the accusative is often used with an adjective or verb to denote the part concerned
ex: nuda genu - with knee bare
hic, postquam Iliacas vestes notumque cubile / conspexit, paulum lacrimis et mente morata / incubuitque toro dixitque novissima verba
find and define a virtual hendiadys
lacrimis et mente: a tearful recollection, ablative of manner
urbem praeclaram statui, mea moenia vidi,
ulta virum poenas inimico a fratre recepi,
felix, heu nimium felix, si litora tantum
numquam Dardaniae tetigissent nostra carinae
find the implied conclusion to what kind of condition?
felix (fuissem) is the implied conclusion of a contrary to fact condition
Dixit, et os impressa toro “Moriemur inultae,
sed moriamur” ait.
what does os represent?
os is the object of the middle participle
with impressa, means “a farewell kiss”
Hauriat hunc oculis ignem cruelis ab alto
Dardanus, et nostrae secum ferat omina mortis.
what grammar constructs are Hauriat and ferat?
jussive or volitive subjunctive: the subjunctive may be used in expression of will, asserveration, command, or concession
stet haec urbs: may this city continue to stand
amemus patriam: let us love our country
sit deus: granted that he is a god
Lamentis gemituque et femineo ululatu
tecta fremunt,….
gemituque et femineo ululatu are what parts of speech?
ascending tri-colon, the hiatus between the two words empahsizes the eerie sound made by the women
-hiatus: lack of allision
quid primus deserta querar?
quid querar is an example of what?
deliberative question: has it’s verb in the subjunctive
- dicam an taceam: shall I speak or hold my tonue?
- quid facereem: what was I to do?
eadem me ad fata vocasses:
idem ambas ferro dolor atque eadem hora tulisset.
voce deos,…
what grammar construct does vocasses and and tuillset represent?
optative subjunctive, expressing a wish
-the subjunctive, sometimes with utinam, would that, is often used in expression of wishing
ne veniant, may they not come
utinam viveret frater, would that my brother were alive!
quae luctantem animam nexosque resolveret artus
-nexos (Animae). quae resolveret make up what grammar construct?
relative clause of purpose: a relative caluse has its verb in the subjunctive when qui is equivalent to ut is in an expression of purpose
eripiunt aliis quod aliis dent, they snatch away from some to give to others
inter quas Phoenissa recens a vulnere Dido
errabat silva in magna; …
who is inter quas referring to?
Dido is the last in a list of mythical females about whose sad deaths we are reminded of as Aeneas observes them in the underworld
Quem fugis? extremum fato quod te adloquor hoc est.
extremum should be translated how?
this is the last word I shall address to you
Talibus Aeneas ardentem et torva tuentem
lenibat dictis animum lacrimasque ciebat
lenibat should be translated how?
lenibat = leniebat, meaning “he tried to soothe”
this is a conative imperfect
nec magis incepto vultum sermone movetur
quam si dura silex aut stet Marpesia cautes
what does Marpesia cautes refer to?
Marpessus on the Greek island of Paros was renowned as a source of fine marble for scultpture
excudent alii spirantia mollius aera
why does Virgil use excudent here? what literary device is this?
Anchises uses the future tense repeatedly in this passage, to describe the great moments in the history of a people which does not yet exist. The entire passive is PROLEPTIC - that is, it looks forward in time and outside the frame of the rest of the tale told in the Aeneid as a whole
orabaunt causas melius, caelique meatus
describent radio et surgentia sidera dicent
dicent could be translated as what?
dicent = vocabunt
tu regere imperio populos, Romane, memento
Romane refers to what?
addressed to teh Roman people in general, and to Aeneas in particular - he represents the people whose nation and identity do not yet exist, but are assured by the fates
sunt geminae Somni portae, quarum altera fertur
cornea, qua veris facilis datur exitus umbris,
fertur could mean what?
fertus (esse) = dicitur (esse)
again virgil implies that the two gates from the underworld are part of a tradition already known to his readers: in this case, first and foremost from Homer, who describes the two Gates of Dreams in Odyssey
altera candenti perfecta nitens elephanto
candenti elephanto represents what?
this is an ablative of material: material is denoted by the ablative, usually with ex
domus facta ex saxo, ex ferro: a house made of stone, of iron
aere clipeus, a shield of bronze
…extremus si quis super halitus errat,
ore legam…
ore legam is a reference to what?
ore legam is a reference to a Roman custom to catch with a kiss the last breath of a dying kinsman or friend
nondum illi flavum Proserpina vertice crinem
abstulerat Stygioque caput damnaverat Orco
What is Proserpina doing here?
she was supposed to cut a lock from the head of the dying, as a sort of offering to the gods of the lower world
Sict ait et dextra crinem secat, omnis et una
dilapsus calor atque in ventos vita recessit
in ventos here refers to what?
the soul was identified with the breath and at death vanished into thin air
“Aspice, ut insignis spoliis Marcellus opimis…”
spoliis opimis is a reference to what?
this is the technical term in Latin for arms and other booty taken on the field of battle by the victorious from the vanquished general, whom he has slain with his own hand.
Hic rem Romanam magno turbante tumultu
sistet eques, sternet Poenos Gallumque rebellem,
tumultu is a reference to what?
the war with the Gauls in Italy, in which the elder Marcellus had villed Viridomarus, leader of teh Gauls, at Glastidium and stripping him of his armor had obtained the third and last spolia opima
altera candenti perfecta nitens elephanto,
sed falsa ad caelum mittunt insomnia Manes.
candenti elephanto is a reference to what?
ablative of material, the association of ivory with deception is based in part on a play on words: the Greek verb elepharesthai means “to deceive”
Tum se ad Caietae recto fert limite portum.
Caiectae refers to what?
modern Gaeta, on the coast of Italy about halfway between the bay of Naples and the mouth of the Tiber.