Muslim Practices Flashcards
Name the five pillars
The statement of faith in Allah as the only God and Muhammad as his messenger
Ritual Prayer
Fasting during Ramadan
Charity donations out of earning
Pilgrimage to the Kaaba in Mecca
When do people recite the Shahadah and why?
- Whispered into the ears of newborns
- Recite before death
It shows that your whole life (from start to end) has been dedicated to Allah, which shows devotion and faith
Why might some say the Shahadah is the most important pillar?
“I declare that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger”
- Prophet Muhammad suggested reciting it before death
- You can’t be Muslim without believing in the Shahadah
- Shows Islam is monotheistic
- Reinforces the idea of Shirk
- Shows Muhammad is the most important Prophet
- Reinforces Muslim belief in Qur’an since it says that Muhammad was his messenger
What are the 10 Obligatory Acts
20% Tax on yearly earnings
Directing others towards good
Forbidding Evil
Expressing love towards good/those in Allah’s path
Expressing hatred/disassociation with those who oppose Allah
How might Ma’roof influence a Muslim today?
Muslims may try to spread and preach the Word of Allah in order to direct others towards good
Why are there additional acts in Shi’a?
When their community was much smaller, they were habitually oppressed by others. Therefore they had to find ways to support each other; Khums
Why are there additional acts in Shi’a?
When their community was much smaller, they were habitually oppressed by others. Therefore they had to find ways to support each other; Khums
The 10 Obligatory Acts include all of the Five Pillars except which one?
Shahadah - it is covered by some additional acts
Which of The 10 Obligatory Acts applies to all Muslims?
What are the 7 stages of preparation for Salah?
- The Adhan (Call to Prayer)
- Making way to Prayer
- Arriving at the Mosque
- Wudu (Ritual Washing)
- Covering the body
- Arriving at the Prayer Hall
- The Iqamah (Second Call to Prayer)
What is The Adhan and why is it recited?
It’s a passage recited by the Mu’adhin on loudspeakers to make sure people will not miss prayer
“Allah is the greatest”, (Shahadah)
They may do this to remind themselves that Allah is the Centre of their life and it shows how they are devoted to him so they pray in the mosque every friday
What is Wudu and why is it done?
- It is Ritual Washing; designed to purify the body and soul for prayer. — The Prophet Muhammad said that the key to Salah is Cleanliness
- First, the Niyyah (Intention) is made, by clearing the mind, and the wash begins
Why must the body be covered?
This shows Allah only looks into the heart and doesn’t concern the body’s appearance
Why is no special place reserved in the Mosque?
Shows that everyone is equal
Why do Muslims face the Ka’aba?
- It is the House Of God
- Unites them in one Ummah (Brotherhood)
What is The Iqamah for?
To make sure all worldly issues are blocked out since this is now time to focus on Allah
What is the Importance of Takbir and Ruku in prayer?
It shows respect, praise and submission towards Allah
- “God Is Supreme” - (Allahu Akbar)
- “Glory be to my Great Lord and Praise be to him”
In Sujud (Prayer) why do Muslims prostrate themselves?
To show that they are under God and Allah has their complete submission
Why Is Jummah Prayer So Important?
- Congregational Prayer (Group)
- To miss 4 Fridays would make a person like an unbeliever
- The only day that a Sermon is delivered (Speech)
- Sermon = Direct Spiritual Guidance
- In the Hadith, Prophet Muhammad states that if you go to prayer every Friday; “Allah will definitely fulfil his demands”
- Shows Devotion to God
Quote about Salah explained?
- “My Prayer, my rites of sacrifice” (Surah 6;162)
- Shows that Allah should be praised for all the love he has shown to Muslims
- It is a Sacrifice all Muslims should make
How might some demonstrate that Salah is the most important Pillar?
- Through the 7 steps of preparation
- Through prayer throughout the day
- Shows that it is highly valued and shows devotion to God
When is Ramadan?
- In the ninth month of the Muslim Calendar
- Same month that the Night Of Power took place
What is The Night Of Power?
When Allah began to reveal the Qur’an to Prophet Muhammad
Quote about the Night Of Power explained?
“The Night Of Power is better than a thousand months”(Surah 97:2-3)
Meaning that observing the Night Of Power gives Muslims the benefit of worshipping for a thousand months; therefore some may stay up all night on the possible dates
Quote about Sawm?
“Everyone who is present during that month should spend it fasting” (Surah 2:185)
Why do Muslims Fast During Ramadan?
- “Learn self-restraint” (Surah 2:183)
- Show Devotion to Allah
- Worship Allah
- Think about Less Fortunate
- Show Submission to Allah
- Good Action/Intentions for Judgement Day
- To Reflect
- Appreciation/Greatfulness
- Self Discipline
- Mental Strength
- It says to do so in the Qur’an
By giving Zakah, what do Muslims acknowledge?
- That everything that they own comes from God and belongs to him
- So they should use their wealth to remember God and give to those less fortunate
- Like a test to see if the rich spread their fortune and the poor accept help
Quotes about Zakah?
“God is well aware of whatever you do” (Surah 2:215)
“His wealth will be presented to him in a shape of a snake” (Qur’an 3:180)
What does Zakah mean?
- Means to purify or cleanse
- Therefore giving Zakah purifies the soul, removing selfishness or greed
Benefits of Zakah?
- Repaid a ‘hundredfold’ in the Afterlife
- Anyone who gives Zakah feels goodness in their heart because they have strengthened the Islamic community or Ummah
How much money is paid in Zakah?
2.5% of your wealth
How much money is paid in Khums?
An additional 20% of your wealth
Why might some say Zakah is the most important Pillar?
- Seen as an important test of Compassion
- Rewarded Heavily In Afterlife
- Punished heavily if not done
- Purifies soul
Origins of the Ka’aba
When Ibrahim’s family was starving on their trip to Arabia, God gave them Water (Zam Zam well) and Food which they trade for supplies. When Ibrahim returned Gold told him to make a Shrine dedicated to him so people can perform Hajj there
What is Greater (Inner) Jihad?
- A personal Struggle to follow the way of Allah; to avoid evil
For Example: - Dressing Modestly
- Regularly Praying
- Avoiding Pork/Alcohol
What is Lesser (Outer) Jihad?
- Fighting against evil in a wider sense to protect/defend Muslims
Conditions for Lesser Jihad?
- Fighting in defence of Islam
- Community is suffering under a tyrant
- Stopped from practising your religion
- All peaceful Methods have been tried
Quote about Outer Jihad?
“Repel evil with what is seen as better” (Surah 41:34)
- Don’t transgress boundaries
Holy War in Islam
Harb Al-Muqadis
Eid Ul-Fitr
Festival of Breaking Fast
Eid Ul-Adha
Festival of Sacrifice
Why is Eid Ul-Fitr celebrated?
To show thanks for the guidance and strength that Allah has given them to fast
Why is Eid Ul-Adha celebrated?
To recall how Ibrahim was ready to Sacrifice Ismael, which teaches Muslims to be devoted to Allah since he will always provide for those devoted
How can Festivals be Celebrated?
- Praying in Mosques
- Processions in the Street
- Presents exchanged
- Special Food cooked
- Special Garments worn
Quote for Devotion in Islam?
“Who can be better in religion than one who submits his whole self to God”(Surah 4:125)
Major Shi’a festival which is regarded as a day of great sorrow, remembers the death of Husayn. Husayn’s Martyrdom is seen by Shi’a Muslims as a symbol of struggle and oppression against justice and tyranny
How do Muslims Celebrate Ashura?
- Will wear black: mourning the death of the 11 Imams and Husayn
- Visit Husayn’s Mosque: Honour Husayn to visit where he died
- Hurt themselves: Recall the war & Battles the Imams and Community faced before
What do Sunni Muslims do on Ashura?
- They fast another day to show devotion to God
- Since they belive that Sins are Forgiven if you repent on this day
How often do Sunni Muslims Pray?
5 Prayers at 5 Different times
How often do Shi’a Muslims Pray?
5 Prayers at 3 Different times