Christian Practices Flashcards
Liturgical Worship
- Service that follows a fixed structure or ritual
- Formal and Traditional Style of Worship
- Not sociable or personal
- Priest leads the sermon
- Passive style of worship
Who does Liturgical Worship?
Roman Catholics, Orthodox and Anglican Churches
Non Liturgical Worship
- Service that doesn’t follow a fixed structure or ritual
- Informal style of worship
- Different types of services based on preference
- More community based
- People take active roles in engagement and discussion
Why do Christians pray?
- Adoration: praise God
- Confession: Repent for sins
- Intercession: pray for others
- Petition: pray for themselves
- Thanksgiving: Give thanks to God
Lord’s Prayer
It is very important since it was created for us by the Lord as well as having all the reasons why Christians pray apart for Thanksgiving. However, Christians should not only use one prayer, they should make further more personal prayers to God.
Private Worship?
“When you pray, go into your room and close the door”
It is better to improve your personal connection with God instead of publicly doing so in front of others since it seems less authentic
Public Worship
It can be seen as a way in which you can connect with others through the connection you have with God to help improve your understanding
Why do Christians get baptised?
- To follow the example of Jesus
- To wash away a person’s sins
- To welcome the person into the Christian community
- To make a clear sign of commitment to God
Features of Believer’s Baptism?
- White clothes are worn (Symbol of purity and cleanliness, like a baby to symbolise a new start/beginning as a Christian)
- Fully immersed in water (To symbolise death and resurrection, being resurrected into a new life as a Christian)
- The person reads a testimony explaining why they want to be baptised (To show that they know the importance of being a Christian and that they are getting Baptised for a good reason)
Features of Infant Baptism?
- A sign of the cross is made on the child’s head (Shows that the child has become a Christian)
- The child is dressed in white clothes (To symbolise purity and cleanliness)
- A candle is lit as a sign of the light of Christ in the child’s life
What is Eucharist?
It is the bread and wine that Christians eat and drink in remembrance of Jesus in his last supper, which symbolise his body and blood
How does the Orthodox Church celebrate Eucharist?
In the Orthodox Church, the Eucharist is known as the Divine Liturgy. The bread is prepared behind the iconostasis and is divided into four parts. Three of these parts are consecrated by the priest. The consecrated bread is put into a cup with wine and this is given to members of the church on a spoon.
How does the Roman Catholic Church celebrate Eucharist?
In Roman Catholic Mass, all parts of the bread are consecrated by the priest. Catholics believe in transubstantiation, that bread and wine become the body and the blood of Christ when blessed. Members of the Church come up to the Altar and the Priest puts the bread on the tongue of their hand. They are then passed he cup of wine to drink from separately.
Why do people pilgrimage to Jerusalem?
In order to walk in the footsteps of Jesus. This is particularly common during Holy Week. Christians will visit the church of Holy Sepulchre which is believed to be where Jesus was crucified and buried.
Why do people pilgrimage to Lourdes?
Thousands visit a grotto and bathe in spring water on site. In 1858, a 14-year-old girl called Bernadette had visions of the Virgin Mary in a cave. She was told to drink the spring water and was cured of asthma and cholera, since this incident 69 people have been believed to have been healed on site.
Jesus and Pilgrimage?
Jesus had never instructed Christians to go on Pilgrimage. However, there have been accounts where Jesus went on pilgrimages himself. As a child, Jesus travelled from Nazareth to Jerusalem (75 miles) to visit the Temple during Passover.
Jesus’s birth?
He was born in a stable which shows his humility and helps Christians to remember the true meaning of Christmas in modern society. He was given Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh by the Kings which reflects now in our processes of giving presents.
How do Christians celebrate easter?
- Painting eggs: the birth of life symbolises Jesus’s re-birth
- Palm Crosses: recall palm leaves used to wave Jesus into Jerusalem
- Lighting Candles: Symbolises that Jesus is the ‘guiding’ light of your life