Muslim Beliefs Flashcards
Who was Abu Bakr?
Some Muslims believed that once Prophet Muhammad had died, the only way of guidance was through the Qur’an and the Sunnah. Sunni Muslims elected Abu Bakr to be their Caliph to act on behalf of Allah and Muhammad in order to enforce his laws. He was the Father in law of Muhammad (Fatima’s Father) and was considered one of his closest companions.
Who was Ali?
Another group of people believed that Muhammad had a named successor, Ali. Ali was Muhammad’s son-in-law (Fatima’s Husband). Ali and his followers (Shi’a) thought that the true Imama should be a part of Muhammad’s family.
Why do Shi’a Muslims have different interpretations of Muslim laws?
They listened to the advice of Muhammad and his descendants; through Ali and his followers who may have slightly changed some laws.
What are the 6 Articles of Faith?
- Tawhid
- Malaikah
- Kutub
- Nubuwwah
- Akhirah
- Al-Qadr
Belief in the oneness of God
Belief in Angels
Belief in Holy Books
- Qur’an
- Torah
- Bible
Belief in Prophets
Belief in the Afterlife and Day of Judgement
Belief in Predestination
Why are Malaikah and Nubuwwah so important?
If you don’t believe in Prophets and Angels, then you can’t believe in the Qur’an meaning that you can’t be Muslim. In addition to this, if you don’t believe in the Angels that remove your soul after death (afterlife) which is a central part of Islam
Why is Tawhid so important?
If you don’t believe that there is one God then you cant be Muslim, since Islam is a monotheistic religion. In addition to this, the worst sin is Shirk, which is when you idolise someone else other than Allah.
What are the Usul al-Din?
- Tawhid
- Adalat
- Nubuwwah
- Imamah
- Qiyamah
The belief that God is just
The belief in the Imamate
The 12 imams that were chosen by Allah to succeed the prophet
Belief in the resurrection, life after Death, Day of Judgement
A Chapter in the Qur’an
What Surah can help us with the Nature of Allah?
Surah 112
From the Surah, how do we know about the oneness of Allah (Tawhid)?
“He is Allah, The one and only”
From the Surah, how do we know about his omnipotence?
He is described as “Absolute”
From the Surah, how do we know about his transcendence?
“Nor was he begotten” (He wasn’t made)
When would you call Allah: Al Qadeer
The All-Powerful: When asking for help in a critical position
When would you call Allah: Al-‘Adl
The Just: When praying for someone to receive Karma
Angel Jibril’s key roles?
- Told Maryam when she was pregnant with Isa
- Appeared to Muhammad in a cave on Mount Hira and revealed the Qur’an to him and reappeared to him over the course over 23 years
Angel Jibril Description?
- Called “Spirit of Holiness”
- Most important Angel
- Archangel
- Mentioned in the Qur’an
Angel Mika’il’s Key Roles?
- Provides food and water (nourishment) to Bodies and SOuls
- Brings seasons to earth
- Brings Spiritual Guidance
The Quote that shows The Angel’s Importance?
“Whoever is an enemy of…Jibril and Mika’il then Allah is his enemy” (Qur’an 2:98)
Israfil’s Role?
He will Blow the Trumpet to announce the Day of Judgement
Nakir and Munkar’s role?
They question the soul after the Funeral is over:
Who is your Lord?
What is your religion?
Who is your prophet?
Funeral Ritual and Why
- Body is washed: Symbolises the idea of being made clean before standing in front of Allah for judgment
- Body is wrapped in white cloth: Representing purity and Equality
- Body is buried (not in a coffin): We are made from Earth so we should return to Earth
- Body is laid on the right, facing Mecca: Even in death we will face the ‘House of Allah’
- The Earth above the Grave is slightly raised: So it is known that there is a grave there and people don’t walk on it by accident
- The grave is sometimes unmarked or a simple gravestone: So the grave isn’t turned into a place of worship
What will happen after death?
- Angel Israfil will blow a trumpet, there will be a blinding light and the earth will be destroyed
- The Messiah will come to Earth to fight the Fake Prophets with Isa
- The Qur’an will go to paradise
- After 40 days, a trumpet will be blown to signal the start of the Judgement
- Everybody that has ever lived will be resurrected by Allah, body and soul reuniting, and will be handed their book of life, stating all their actions and intentions
- After Judgement, Those worthy will cross past the Sirat Bridge to Heaven and the unworthy ones will fall to Hell
How many Levels are there in Jannah and Jahannam?
7 Levels
Describe Jannah
A magical place where all wishes are fulfilled, where there is no pain, suffering, ageing or death as a reward from Allah
Describe Jahannam
An awful place, hotter than any flame on earth, where everyone will constantly scream in agony and pain and sinners will be punished for their sins
What is the Book of Decrees?
Where Allah has written down everything that will happen in the universe
Sunni vs Shi’s beliefs on Predestination?
Sunni Muslims believe Allah knows everything that will happen and has happened throughout time. Whilst Shi’s Muslims also believe this, they also think that he has the power to change someone’s destiny, not because he changed his mind, but because he is not just a passive observer but is always in control of space and time.
What is Bada?
The Shi’a idea that Allah is continuously changing the course of History
What is Al-Qadr?
Belief in Predestination
Rasul Prophets?
Messengers that have been given divine revelation to deliver everywhere
Nabi Prophets
Messengers that have to deliver news or revelation
Ibrahim’s significance?
- Preached about Allah in public and destroyed idols, in which he was ordered to be burnt in a fire, an Angel came to visit him and asked him what he wished for to which he responded, “To Please Allah”, Allah cooled the fire and let him walk away
- Was willing to sacrifice his son for Allah
- When his wifes got jealous of each other (Sarah and Hajar) He trusted Allah to provide for his family (Ismail and Sarah) in the desert
Adam’s Significance?
He is seen as the ‘father’ of mankind. He passed on to his son about his past sins and how he and Hawwa were tempted by Iblis to sin, and now repents every day for it.
What is Risalah?
It means ‘messages’ which are communicated by the prophets
(Rasul and Nabi)
Is there clear evidence that The Qur’an is the true word of Allah?
A Muhammad was illiterate
A Many wouldn’t benefit since the Qur’an condemned Gambling and Drinking
D It is impossible to prove that the words haven’t been changed, you just have to take Muhammad’s word for it
D Proof of Angels?
Why did Allah choose Muhammad?
- His parents died when he was very young and started working as a merchant to prove himself as being worthy of being cared for by his father
- As a part of the Quraysh tribe he worked hard as part of the ‘caravan’, the travelling market in which he treated everyone from rich to poor with respect which he earned the nickname ‘Al-Amin’ (Th fair one)