Christian Beliefs Flashcards
God is that…
“God is that than which nothing better can be conceived” (St Anselm)
What is Agape Love?
Selfless love shown by Jesus when he was crucified for humanity’s sins
The belief that God is beyond human understanding
Being saved from sin and allowed to access heaven from Jesus’s sacrifice
To restore the relationship between God and Humanity brought by Jesus’s sacrifice
Original Sin
The state of sin which humanity was born with after the Fall of Adam and Eve
What passage in the Bible shows that God is Omnipotent?
The Calming Of The Storm (Mark 4:35-41)
- Whilst on a boat with his disciples, Jesus was easily able to calm down the vigorous storms of the sea and the furious wind with the help of God
What passage in the Bible shows that God is forgiving?
The Parable Of The Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32)
- In the Parable, the Father represents God and the Son represents Humanity
- The youngest son used his whole share of the estate and left the country whilst spending all of his money
- When he came to his senses, he set out to his Father who he wanted to become one of his servants for sinning against him
-However, when the Father saw his son, he was full of Joy and threw his hands around him, treating him compassionately despite his son sinning against him
- He showed forgiveness
What is the Inconsistent Triad?
If evil exists and God is omnipotent, then he cannot be omnibenevolent since he has the power to stop evil yet he chooses not to
- If evil exists and God is omnibenevolent then he cannot be omnipotent since he is loving and would want to stop evil but does not have the power to do so
How Can We Defend God against the Inconsistent Triad?
- Evil exists because of the Devil who is the complete opposite of God. He has great power and prays for the downfall of humanity, so causes us to suffer
- We have Free Will, God had to allow us to choose between Good and Evil using our conscience otherwise our lives would have no point and nobody would be worthy of going to heaven
- Evil exists so we can earn our way to Heaven, we have to reduce the suffering of others to learn compassion for others. God is testing our compassion.
- Suffering began with Adam and Eve, therefore we were born with original sin, now that Jesus removed it, we have to prove ourselves to God to work our way back to Heaven
- God is Transcendent, we cannot understand everything about him and his plan, we must accept suffering but God is good so it all must happen for a reason
When is the Trinity referenced?
The Great Commission; during his final meeting with his disciples after his resurrection
“Go and make disciple of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19); which sows that the whole Trinity is an important part of Christian Life
Supporting the Trinity?
- God is Transcendent; we can never fully understand his Greatness, its beyond human understanding
- References to the Trinity in the Bible, which is the word of God, so the concept is valid
Challenging the Trinity?
- Some have accused Christianity of tritheism; believing in 3 Gods
- Its difficult for Christians to understand that there is 1 God and 3 Persons
What does the Holy Spirit show about God?
That he is Immanent, he can hear our prayers and wishes; who guides Christians and gives strength
What did God create on Day 1?
- Heavens
- Earth
- Day/Night
What did God create on Day 2?
- Water
- Skies
What did God create on Day 3?
- Land
- Vegetation
What did God create on Day 4?
- Sun
- Moon
- Stars
What did God create on Day 5?
- Ocean
- Sea Creatures
- Birds
What did God create on Day 6?
- Livestock
- Mankind
What happened on Day 7?
Nothing, It was the rest day
From the Creation Story, how does it show that God is omnipotent?
On the first day, God said “Let there be light” and there was light, this shows God’s omnipotence since he was able to create light out of nothing.
Incarnation Quote?
“The Word became flesh and dwelt among us” (John 1:14)
Why is the Incarnation important?
- It proves that Jesus is one with God
- Validates Jesus’s actions on earth as God’s work through the miracles
Arguments supporting incarnation
- In Matthew and Luke’s Gospel states how an Angel appeared and explained that Mary would give birth to a son and that baby would be God’s child; the story appears in multiple Gospels and may be true
- Jesus was resurrected from the dead, so wasn’t an ordinary man but the son of God, all four Gospels mention the resurrection and Christianity is based upon the resurrection, so it must be true
- There were 500 witnesses to his Ressurection
- Christianity is the largest religion with 2.2million followers
Arguments against Incarnation
- There are differences in the Story in Mathew and Luke’s Gospel, the Angel was said to meet different people, and the story could be made up
- Jesus could have been an ordinary man and his body was stolen from the tomb
- 500 witnesses could have been hallucinating
- In Britain, almost 50% of the population has no religion, with the number of Christians also decreasing
Why did the Romans want Jesus dead?
- Pontius Pilate asked Jesus if he was the Kind of the Jews and Jesus didn’t deny this; this was seen as treason; a direct challenge to Roman authority
- Jesus had a large following which was seen as a threat to Roman rule which could lead to a possible uprising
Why did the Jews want Jesus dead?
- Concerned about his large following
- Threatened about his claims to have God’s power and authority; this was Blasphemous
- Broke Rule of the Torah; suggested that it was ok to work on the day of rest
- Overthrew the tables of gamblers at the temple for misusing the house of God
Theological Argument for Jesus’s Death?
He was always meant to die as a part of God’s plan to achieve salvation and atonement from Adam and Eve
What were the similarities about the resurrection in all the 2 Gospels?
- In both of them Mary Magdalene and ‘other Mary’ were there
- It was dawn in both
- Both of them told the disciples
What were the 2 main Gospels in the resurrection?
Matthew’s Gospel and Luke’s Gospel
What were the differences about the resurrection in all the 2 Gospels?
Matthew: Jesus was there as well as an Angel
Luke: Many more people were present whom were met by 2 dazzling men
Alternative Explanations for the Resurrection?
- The Sanhedrin may have moved the body to a mass grave as a sign of disrespect
- The Romans may have moved the body to prevent the tomb from becoming a shrine
- The disciples may have moved the body to make up the story of resurrection in order to push the idea that Jesus was the Messiah
- He was crucified but didn’t die
- Someone else was crucified
Why is the resurrection so important to Christians?
- Shows good wins over evil in the end
- Assures Christians not to fear death
- God will forgive sins
- Jesus is with God and the Holy Spirit is with us
- Shows that Jesus is omnipotent
- Lets Christians reach Heaven
What are different beliefs on the afterlife?
Some believe that the afterlife takes place as soon as someone dies whereas others believe that there will be a day of judgement linked to the second coming of Jesus, aka ‘Parousia’ at the end of time
Means to be saved from sin and the consequences of it. Sin had separated God and Humankind, Salvation allows humans to be close to God again and gain admission to Heaven which is atonement
Why Is Jesus such a big part of Salvation?
Humans (A + E) brought sin into the world so Humans (Jesus) need to take sin out of the world. This is because God is Just, so without Jesus, humans wouldn’t be able to ascend to Heaven or achieve atonement again