Musculoskeletal Flashcards
Amputation: Forequarter (scapulothoracic)
surgical removal of the UE including the shoulder girdle
Amputation: Shoulder disarticulation
surgical removal of the UE through the shoulder
Amputation: Transhumeral
surgical removal of the UE proximal to the elbow joint
Amputation: Elbow disarticulation
surgical removal of the lower arm and hand through the elbow joint
Amputation: Transradial
surgical removal of the UE distal to the elbow joint
Amputation: Wrist disarticulation
surgical removal of the hand through the wrist joint
Amputation: Partial hand
surgical removal of a portion of the hand and/or digits at either the transcarpal, transmetacarpal or transphalangel level
Amputation: Digit
surgical removal of a portion of the hand and/or digits at either the metacarpophalangela, proximal interphelangeal, or fistal interphalengeal level
Amputation: Hemicorporectomy
surgical removal of the pelvis and both LEs
Amputation: Hemipelvectomy
surgical removal of one half of the pelvis and the LE
Amputation: Hip disarticulation
surgical removal of the LE from the pelvis
Amputation: Transfemoral
surgical removal of the LE above the knee joint
Amputation: Knee disarticulation
surgical removal through the knee joint
Amputation: Transtibial
surgical removal of the LE below the knee joint
Amputation: Symes
surgical removal of the foot at the ankle joint with removal of the malleoli