Musculoskeletal Flashcards
A woman who is 8 months pregnant comments that she has noticed a change in posture and is having lower back pain. The nurse tells her that during pregnancy women have a posture shift to compensate for the enlarging fetus. This shift in posture is known as:
A) lordosis.
B) scoliosis.
C) ankylosis.
D) kyphosis.
A patient is being assessed for range of joint movement. The nurse asks him to move his arm in toward the center of his body. This movement is called:
A) flexion.
B) abduction.
C) adduction.
D) extension
A patient tells the nurse that she is having a hard time bringing her hand to her mouth when she eats or tries to brush her teeth. The nurse knows that for her to move her hand to her mouth, she must perform which movement?
A) flexion.
B) abduction.
C) adduction.
D) extension.
The functional units of the musculoskeletal system are the:
A) joints.
B) bones.
C) muscles.
D) tendons.
When reviewing the musculoskeletal system, the nurse recalls that hematopoiesis takes place in the:
A) liver.
B) spleen.
C) kidneys.
D) bone marrow.
Fibrous bands running directly from one bone to another that strengthen the joint and help prevent movement in undesirable directions are called:
A) bursa.
B) tendons.
C) cartilage.
D) ligaments.
The nurse notices that a woman in an exercise class is unable to jump rope. The nurse knows that to jump rope, one’s shoulder has to be capable of:
A) inversion.
B) supination.
C) protraction.
D) circumduction.
The articulation of the mandible and the temporal bone is known as the:
A) intervertebral foramen.
B) condyle of the mandible.
C) temporomandibular joint.
D) zygomatic arch of the temporal bone.
To palpate the temporomandibular joint, the nurse’s fingers should be placed in the depression _____ of the ear.
A) distal to the helix
B) proximal to the helix
C) anterior to the tragus
D) posterior to the tragus
Of the 33 vertebrae in the spinal column, there are:
A) 5 lumbar.
B) 5 thoracic.
C) 7 sacral.
D) 12 cervical.
An imaginary line connecting the highest point on each iliac crest would cross the _____ vertebra.
A) first sacral
B) fourth lumbar
C) seventh cervical
D) twelfth thoracic
The nurse is explaining to a patient that there are “shock absorbers” in his back to cushion the spine and to help it move. The nurse is referring to his:
A) vertebral column.
B) nucleus pulposus.
C) vertebral foramen.
D) intervertebral disks.
The nurse is providing patient education for a man who has been diagnosed with a rotator cuff injury. The nurse knows that a rotator cuff injury involves the:
A) nucleus pulposus.
B) articular process.
C) medial epicondyle.
D) glenohumeral joint.
During an interview the patient states, “I can feel this bump on the top of both of my shoulders—it doesn’t hurt but I am curious about what it might be.” The nurse should tell the patient, “That is:
A) your subacromial bursa.”
B) your acromion process.”
C) your glenohumeral joint.”
D) the greater tubercle of your humerus.”
The nurse is checking the range of motion in a patient’s knee and knows that the knee is capable of which movement(s)?
A) Flexion and extension
B) Supination and pronation
C) Circumduction
D) Inversion and eversion
A patient is visiting the clinic for an evaluation of a swollen, painful knuckle. The nurse notices that the knuckle above his ring on the left hand is swollen and that he is unable to remove his wedding ring. This joint is called the _____ joint.
A) interphalangeal
B) tarsometatarsal
C) metacarpophalangeal
D) tibiotalar
The nurse is examining the hip area of a patient and palpates a flat depression on the upper, lateral side of the thigh when the patient is standing. The nurse interprets this finding as the:
A) ischial tuberosity.
B) greater trochanter.
C) iliac crest.
D) gluteus maximus muscle.
The ankle joint is the articulation of the tibia, the fibula, and the:
A) talus.
B) cuboid.
C) calcaneus.
D) cuneiform bones.
The nurse is explaining the mechanism of the growth of long bones to a mother of a toddler. Where does lengthening of the bones occur?
A) Bursa
B) Calcaneus
C) Epiphyses
D) Tuberosities
The nurse is teaching a class on osteoporosis prevention to a group of postmenopausal woman. A participant shows that she needs more instruction when she states, “I will:
A) start swimming to increase my weight-bearing exercise.”
B) try to stop smoking as soon as possible.”
C) check with my doctor about taking calcium supplements.”
D) get a bone-density test soon.”