Chapter 21 Pulmonary Vascular Flashcards
Subjective date of PV assessment (6)
-Leg pain/cramps
-Skin changes on arms or legs
-Swelling in arms or legs
-Lymph node enlargement
-Smoking Hx
Questions regarding leg pain/cramps (4)
-Type of pain
-Activity dependent
-How much activity
-Has activity to reproduce symptoms changed
Questions regarding skin changes on arms and legs (4)
-Color of skin
-Change in temperature
-Bulging veins
-Sores or ulcers
Swelling of arms or legs questions (5)
-When does it happen
-Does it come and go
-What makes it occur
-What makes it better
-Any pain
Reason for increased capillary refill (3)
-Decreased CO
-Cold/clammy/pale hands
3+ Pulse rating
Increased, full bounding
2+ Pulse rating
1+ Pulse rating
0 Pulse rating
Pallor color means what?
Arterial insufficiency
1+ edema (3)
-Mild pitting
-Slight indentation
-No perceptible swelling
2+ edema (3)
-Moderate pitting
-Subsides rapidly
3+ edema (3)
-Deep pitting
-Indentation remains for a short time
-Legs look swollen
4+ edema (3)
-Very deep pitting
-Indentation lasts a long time
-Very swollen
Loss of strength in the lower legs means what?
Severe arterial deficit