Musculoskeletal Flashcards
pain with a FABER test means there is likely dysfunction in the
posterior capsule of the hip, lumbar or SI joints
FABER is a test for what condition
what is the test to determine SCFE?
anterior impingement test which involved hip flexion to 80-90 degrees, ADD and IR.
typical signs of SCFE
pain in the groin, a leg length discrepancy, limitations in IR and toeing out during gait. also, you get knee pain too
as gait matures, velocity
as gait matures, cadence
as gait develops step length
as gait develops, single limb stance time
Speeds test indicates a
SLAP tear
Excessive foot pronation during midstance to toe off is the result of a compensated ___ deformity.
rear foot (forefoot) varus deformity
what is a hallmark sign of posterior tibial tendon dysfunction
“too many toes” sign, where you have hindfoot valgus and forefoot abduction so that you see too many toes when looking at someone from behind.
cubital tunnel entraps the ___ nerve
what are two MSK conditions that a radial nerve glide can treat
lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow) and DeQuervain’s tenosynovitis.
Marked ulnar drift is a hallmark sign of __
what kinds of ligaments are affected in people with RA
cervical spine ligaments. so you must do cervical spine stabilization therex and promote proper alignment and posture for this population.
for a s/p meniscus repair, what do you want to limit and why
you want to limit knee flexion to 90 degrees to not increase shear forces on the newly repaired meniscus.
what is a stoppage gait
this occurs with weakness in ankle dorsiflexors. The knee or the hip must excessively flex to clear the foot from the ground. Or the lower leg must externally rotate to prevent the foot from dragging on the ground.
what compensation or deviation will you see in someone with a weak glut med during gait
lateral trunk lean
gait compensations with someone with a weak quadriceps
lateral trunk lean to unweight the weak quad or circumduction of the leg
what about gait compensations for someone with a weak glue max
they will have a posterior thrust of the trunk to keep the hip in extension.
longus Colli and longus capitis are____ and can be tested with this test
deep neck flexors, and the deep neck flexor test.
Scheuermann disease (describe it )
this affects teenaged boys, and affects T7-T10 typically. this is increased thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis with pain in the middle to lower thoracic region and pan with rotation side to side.
axillary nerve innervates
deltoid and teres minor
long thoracic nerve innervates the
supra scapular nerve innervates the
infra and supra
musculocutaneous nerves innervates the
biceps, brachialis, coracobrachialis.
how can you differentiate between a functional and structural rib hump
a functional rib hump is only present in standing, not in full forward flexion. The structural rib hump will be present in both of those conditions (standing and full forward flexion)
what will the rotation and side bending be if there is a right rib hump
there will be right rotation and left side bending.
for scoliosis, describe how the side bending and rotating will be for humps
the rotation will be ipsilateral to the hump and the side bending will be contralateral.
power requires a combination of ___ and ___
strength and speed. To improve power, you must increase speed and strength
to improve overall strength, at what levels do untrained individuals/trained need to exercise (what percentage over their 1RM)
untrained, over 60%
trained, between 80-100% 1RM
Tests for acromioclavicular joint dysfunction include the ___ ___ and ___
AC joint palpation.
shoulder instability and clicking with repetitive throwing activities is indicative of
labral tear.
Additional special tests to assess for labral tears including the ___, ____, ___, ___, ___, and ___
compression rotation test Speed's test crank test Yergason test anterior slide test active compression test
subacromial impingement symptoms include
painful arc and pain with overhead activities.
tendons injured in De Quervain tenosynovitis are located within the
anatomical snuffbox
tendons of the anatomical snuffbox
APL (abductor pollicus longus)
EPL (extensors pollicus longus)
EPB (extensor pollicus brevis)
step off deformity prognosis
3 weeks of immobilization and 6 weeks to return to activity.
Legg- Calvé- Perthes disease has limitations in which motions of the hip
IR and abduction over 50 degrees. (this is the necrosis of the femoral head)
most ADLs require how much supination and pronation
50 degrees
what are some signs and symptoms of CRPS
sensitivity to temperatures increased sweating burning pain sensitive to very light touches skin color and texture changes changes to the nails, skin, hair (tropic changes)
describe the Tinel test and what its function is
tapping the median nerve for carpal tunnel to show nerve regrowth by determining where the tapping creates differences. This is done distally to proximally.
Finklestein’s is used to test for
DeQuervain’s tenosynovitis or Hoffmans disease, which is a paratenoditis of the 1st digit.
CTS will present as N/T in which fingers
thumb, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and lateral part of 4th.
optimal length for finger flexors (to help with grip strength) is at what position of the wrist
30 degrees of extension at the wrist, to help with the tenodysis grip.
what is tight and what is weak in lower crossed syndrome
the erector spinae and the hip flexors are tight in the lower crossed. weak abs and gluteus max.
lower crossed syndrome has what kind of tilt in the pelvis
reverse TSA will dislocate in which of the following positions and in what direction
IR, ADD and extension.
in an anterior/inferior direction.
humeroulnar distraction increases…
elbow flexion
humeroradial posterior glides improve
elbow extension
radioulnar posterior glide improves
radioulnar anterior glide improves
a talo crural P-A mob improves
ankle PF
tibiofemoral posterior glide improves
knee extension
Piriformis O and I
S2-4 of sacrum and attaches to greater trochanter of femur.
what does the piriformis do
ER and ABD of the hip
HOWEVER, above 90 degrees of hip flexion, it will IR and flex the hip.
gluteus min actions
ABD and ER
obturator externus actions
ADD and ER
obturator internus actions
ER if the hip is in neutral
IR of the ilium
ABD if the hip is flexed past 90 degrees
GH anterior glide helps improve
inferior glides of the GH improve
abduction and reaching out the side and abduction.
posterior glides of GH can improve
horizontal adduction
describe when you will brace, or do surgery in a scoliosis case
bracing occurs when the curve is between 25 and 40 degrees, surgery over 45. Anything less than 25 conservative management
when would you notice the iliopsoas tendon snapping? in what position? where would it cause pain
pain in the front of the hip, internal pain. when the hip is flexed to 40 degrees in ABD and ER to
hone will the ITB snap
with activities of hip flexion and extension with IR like running
when will the acetabular labrum cause snapping
with extension, adduction and IR, but it will be a deep deep snap.
how will the iliofemoral ligament make snapping noises when moving
with hip flexed to 45 degrees, and the leg moving in and out of flexion and extension with ABD and ER.
L1 wedge fracture may indicate that there is
concave on convex
convex on concave
for people with osteoporosis and compression fractures, what is the likely position they will be in
in a flexion based position, so stretch opposite