Musculoskel Review Flashcards
What are examples of Abnormal firm end feels?
increased tone, tightening of capsule, ligament shortening
What are examples of abnormal hard end feels?
fracture, osteoarthritis, osteophyte formation
What are examples of abnormal soft end-feels?
edema, synovitis, ligament instability/tear
When is the Tibialis Anterior at peak muscle activity during the gait cycle?
Just after heel strike, eccentric lowering of the foot into plantar flexion
When is the Gastroc-soleus group at peak activity during the gait cycle?
During late stance phase during the concentric raising of the heel during toe-off
When are the quads at peak activity during the gait cycle?
1st in periods of single support during early stance and 2nd just before toe off to initiate swing
When are the hamstrings at peak activity during the gait cycle?
late swing phase when decelerating the unsupported limb
What is the hip flexion ROM for normal gait?
0-30 degrees
What is the hip extension ROM for normal gait?
0-10 degrees
What is the knee flexion ROM for normal gait?
0-60 degrees
What is the knee extension ROM for normal gait?
0 degrees
What is the ankle dorsiflexion ROM for normal gait?
0-10 degrees
What is the ankle plantarflexion ROM for normal gait?
0-20 degrees
What are some common impairments that may cause foot slap during gait?
weak dorsiflexors, dorsiflexor paralysis
What are some common impairments that may cause toe down instead of heel strike?
Plantar flexor spasticity, plantar flexor contracture, weak dorsiflexors, dorsiflexor paralysis, leg length discrepancy, hindfoot pain
what are some common impairments that may cause clawing of the toes during gait?
toe flexor spasticity, positive support reflex
What are some common impairments that may cause heel lift during mid stance?
insufficient dorsiflexion range, plantar flexor spasticity
What are some common impairments that may cause no toe off during gait?
forefoot/toe pain, weak plantar flexors, weak toe flexors, insufficient plantar flexion ROM
What are some common impairments that may cause exaggerated knee flexion at contact?
weak quads, quad paralysis, hamstring spasticity, insufficient extension ROM
What are some common impairments that may cause hyperextension of the knee in stance?
compensation for weak quads, plantar flexor contacture
What are some common impairments that may cause exaggerated knee flexion at terminal stance?
knee flexion contracture, hip flexion contracture
What are some common impairments that may cause insufficient knee flexion with swing?
knee effusion, quad extension spasticity, plantar flexion spasticity, insufficient knee flexion ROM
What are some common impairments that may cause excessive knee flexion during swing?
flexor withdrawal reflex, lower extremity flexor synergy
What are some common impairments that may cause insufficient hip flexion at initial contact?
weak hip flexors, hip flexor paralysis, hip extensor spasticity, insufficient hip flexion ROM
What are some common impairments that may cause insufficient hip extension at stance?
insufficient hip ext ROM, hip flexion contracture, lower extremity flexor synergy
What are some common impairments that may cause circumduction during swing?
Compensation for weak hip flexors, compensation for weak dorsiflexors, compensation for weak hamstrings
What are some common impairments that may cause hip hiking during swing?
Compensation for weak dorsiflexors, compensation for weak knee flexors, compensation for extensor synergy pattern
What are some common impairments that may cause exaggerated hip flexion during swing?
Lower extremity flexor synergy, compensation for insufficient ankle dorsiflexion