Musculolskeletal Flashcards
At what age should you begin ordering dexa scans on male patients? female patients ?
70 males, 65 females
Give the Dexa score for osteopenia and osteoporosis?
1-2.4 SD - osteopenia
>= 2.4 SD for osteoporosis
What fracture is the #1 cause of compartment syndrome?
tibia shaft fracture
A patient’s lab work shows + Smith antibody and + double stranded DNA antibiotidies. What is the most likely diagnosis>
Where are Bouchard’s nodes found?
What will an Xray show in acute osteomyelitis?
Nothing - it will show destruction in chronic osetomyelitis
What is the best imaging to diagnosis osteomyelitis?
Bone scan or MRI
A 22 yo male patient present with what is clearly a septic knee. You also notice lesions on his hands and feet - what is the most likely causative agent?
Neiserria gonorrhea
What would you expect the WBC count to be in a septic knee?
> 50,000 at minimum - maybe higher
A patient present with a painless mass in her right wrist - what is the most likely diagnosis?
What is the age range for osteosarcoma?? where ar they typically found in the body?
15-25 you males
most are found around the knee
You think a patient may have an osteoid osteoma due to his complaints of severe night pain. =You set I’m up for and Xray but in the meantime what medication do you start him on?
IBU. (if it is truly an osteoid sarcoma)
Clicking or licking of the knee indicates what diagnose
Meniscal tear
A 65 yo presents complaining of severe pain in the great toe that began when he woke up this am. It is swollen red and very tender. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Gout most likely due to locations - may also be infection.
What uric acid level helps to confirm diagnosis of gout?
> 7.5
What is the medical treatment for gout?
Allopurinol, colchicine
Apathology report comes back whit + birefringent crystals. What is the most leaky diagnosis?
A patine tiwh a history of hepatitis B present complaining of bilateral knee pain., fever and weight loss. what is the most likely diagnosis?
Polyarteririts nodosa
You suspect a patient has polyarteritis nodes. What is the test for a definitive diagnosis and what is the treatment?
Biopsy and high dose steriods
On physical exam, you notice ulnar deviations and swan neck deformities. what is the most likely diagnosis?
Rheumatoid arthritis
A positive Need sign indicates…
a rotator cuff inpingment.
List 3 medications that may cause lupus
What test do you do for Sjorgen’s syndrome?
Schirmer test
A patient with rheumatoid arthritis is heading to the OR for and open reduction and internal fixation of the ankle. In addition to ankle films - what other X-rays should be obtained
C-spine - for anesthesia - to concerns about instability at C1 and C2
Which carpal bone has a high rate of nonunion and occult fracture?
what medication is used for patients with lupus?
systemic steroids?
Scleroderma limited version has 5 main characteristics for which the CREST acronym is often used. what are this 5 things?
Calcinosis Raynauds esophagal dysmotility Sclerodactyly Telengectasia
There is a sunburst appearance on Xray. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Anatomically - where are 80% of clavicle fractures located?
middle third.
A pathology report come back showing negatively birefringent crystals. What is the most likely diagnosis
What are the 4 muscles of the rotator cuff?
Teres Minor
Describe the characteristics of a lytic lesion on Xray
elevated periosteum,
bone destruction
(bad bad things)
What ligament is the most commonly injured in and ankle sprain?
Anterior talolfibular ligament (AFTL)
Vasculaitis with a hepatitis B history should make you think of what diagnosis?
Polyarteritis nodosa
What is the most common fracture in children?
A fat pad sign on a lateral Xray of the elbow has what significance?
It is blood in the joint indicating a fracture even if the fracture line cannot be easily seen.
A patient present with progressive neck and proximal muscle weakness. On physical exam you see a reddish purple maculopapaular rash. He labs work shows an anti-Jo-1 antibody. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Which way does a Colles fracture angulate - dorsal or volar? what a bout a smith fracture?
Colles = Dorsal angulation Smith = volar angulation
Tenderness over the anatomic snuffbox is indicative of what type of fracture?
What is the most common fracture in a patient with osteoporosis?
A compression fracture of a vertebral body
then a hip fracture
A 15 yo boy presents complaining of night pain in the pelvis. Since you have no idea what to do, you order awn Xray. The report comes back with a description of a mass with an onion skin apprearance” what is the most likely diagnosis
Ewing Sarcoma
What is the name for the 4th and 5th metacarpal fractures resulting from throwing a punch?
Boxer’s fracture
A new mother presents with pain over the radial wrist. She has a + fincklestein’s test; What is the most likely diagnosis?
deQuervains tenosyovitis
A + McMurray indicates what diagnosis?
meniscal tear
What is the first line treatment for carpal tunnel?
wrist night splints
What is the most common cause of C-spine fractures?
MVC accidents
What is the medical term for “hunchback”
What is another tern for podagra?
A patient presents to the ED with saddle anesthesia and lowss of bowel and bladder function. What is th e most likely diagnosis?
Cauda Equina syndrome
A patient with HIV present with severe groin pain. What is the most likely dignosis?
AVN of the femoral head. Antiretroviral meds put patients at an increase risk of AVN.
A 95 yo female presents to the ER after a fall in her home. Her left leg is shortened and eternally rotated. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Hip fracture
You recommend bisphosonates for a patient with osteoporosis. What instruction do you give her for immediately after taking the medication?
Remain upright for 30 minutes
What is the most common cause of a hip dislocation? is it usually anterior or posterior?
MVC, posterior
Which rotator cuff muscle is the most commonly injured?
What is the first line treatment of Rheumatoid arthritis?
A patient presents to the ED after taking a baseball bat to the knee. He is unable to actively extend his knee. What is the most likely diagnosis?
patella fracture.
Are most shoulder dislocations anterior or posterior?
What is the most useful physical exam test for diagnosing and ACL tear?
Lachman’s followed by anterior drawer
What is the most common knee injury?
meniscal tear
Where are HErbendens nodes found>
A patient presents withe knee pain following a soccer game 2 days ago. HE has joint line tenderness medially and feels a locking sensation in the knee from time to time. What 2 physical exam tests should you do?
McMurray and Apply tests are appropriate
A patient presents with conjunctivitis, urethritis and oral lesions. Wha tis the most likely diagnosis?What test might you expect to be positive?
reactive arthritis
HLA - B27`
a 46 yo make comes into the ED limping a little on the right. he states that it feels as though he was kicked in the back of the leg during a soccer game but clearly no-one was behind him. What is the most likely diagnosis?
achilles tendon rupture.
Anti-Jo1 antibodies should make you think of what diagnosis?
A positive crossover test indicates what diagnosis
AC joint injury
A positive Hawkins indicates what diagnosis?>
Rotator cuff impingement
A bamboo spine indicates what diagnosis?
Anklyloising spondylitis
a postive SLR test indicates what diagnosis?
lumbar disc herniation
An African American female present with malaria rash and positive double stranded DNA antibiotdy. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Caral tunnel effects that nerve and what parts of the hand?
thumb, pointer and ring. Thenar wasting is a sign of advanced disease
A patient has a silver fork deformity on Xray - what is the most likely diagnosis?
colles fracture
A postive Apley test indicates what diagnosis?
meniscal tear.
What is the most commonly herniated disc?
L4-5 followed by L5-S1