Muscles of the Upper Limb Flashcards
What muscles attach the shoulder girdle to the thoracic wall?
- pec major
- pec minor
- subclavius
- serratus anterior
Division of the long scapular nerve results in
winged scapula
Which muscles attach the humerus to the scapula?
- deltoid
- subscapularis
- supraspinatus
- infraspinatus
- teres minor
- teres major
What is the common flexor origin for muscles of the superficial forearm?
anterior aspect of the medial epicondyle

What are the muscles of the superficial anterior forearm compartment?
- pronator teres
- flexor carpi radialis
- palmaris longus
- flexor carpi ulnaris
What muscle forms the middle layer of the anterior forearm comparmtent?
Flexor digitorum superficialis
What are the muscles of the deep anterior forearm compartment?
- flexor digitorum profundus (medial)
- flexor pollicis longus (lateral)
- pronator quadratus
Tendons of flexor digitorum profundus pass through the carpal tunnel
as the bottom layer, side by side (4)

Tendons of flexor digitorum superficialis pass through the carpal tunnel
3rd and 4th finger superficial
4th and 5th finger deep (intermediate layer, on top of 4 FDP tendons)

Flexor carpi radialis tendon travels distally
through a split in the lateral flexor retinaculum, not through the carpal tunnel
(over the carpal tunnel, under the flexor retinaculum)

What structures travel through the carpal tunnel?
- FDP tendons (4)
- FDS tendons (4)
- FPL tendon (1)
- median nerve, between FDP and FDS tendons
- FCU tendon travels over carpal tunnel under the flexor retinaculum

At the wrist, the median nerve travels
through the carpal tunnel between the tendons of FDP and FDS

Which tendons do not pass through the carpal tunnel?
At the wrist, the flexor carpi ulnaris tendon travels
over the carpal tunnel to the pisiform bone, inserts onto the base of the 5th metacarpal via the pisometacarpal ligament

Muscles of the superficial posterior forearm compartment are
- brachioradialis
- extensor carpi radialis longus
- extensor carpi radialis brevis
- extensor digitorum
- extensor digiti minimi
- extensor carpi ulnaris
- abductor pollicis longus
- abductor pollicis brevis
- extensor pollicis longus

What is the common extensor origin of the forearm muscles?
lateral epicondyle
except for brachioradialis and extensor carpi radialis longus which originate at the lateral supracondylar ridge
What tendons form the anatomical snuffbox?
abductor pollicis longus and extensor policis brevis (closer to palmar edge of thumb)
extensor pollicis longus (more dorsal)

What muscles comprise the thenar eminence?
- abductor pollicis brevis
- flexor pollicis brevis
- opponens pollicis

What muscles comprise the hypothenar eminence?
- abductor digiti minimi
- flexor digiti minimi
- opponens digiti minimi

Which artery forms the superficial palmar arch?
ulnar; completed by radial

Which artery gives off the deep palmar arch?
radial; completed by ulnar

What are the 7 layesr of the palm?
- skin and palmaris brevis
- palmar aponeurosis
- thenar and hypothenar muscles
- neurovascular plane
- long flexor tendons and lumbricals
- adductor pollicis and neurovascular plane
- interossei and metacarpals