Muscles of the Thigh Flashcards
Sartorius Origin
ASIS and notch below it
Sartorius insertion
Proximal part of medial surface of the body of the tibia
Sartorius innervation
Femoral nerve
Sartorius function
Flex, abduct, and laterally rotate hip
Flex knee
Medially rotate leg from flexed position
Quadriceps femoris insertion
Tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament
Quadriceps femoris innervation
Femoral nerve
Quadriceps femoris function
Extend knee
Rectus femoris is only quad to flex hip
Rectus femoris origin
Aponeurosis of straight (from ASIS) and reflected (from above acetabulum) tendons
Vastus lateralis origin
Lateral lip of linea aspera
Lateral lip of gluteal tuberosity
Anterior and inferior borders of the greater trochanter and proximal intertrochanteric line
Vastus medialis origin
Distal intertrochanteric line
Medial intermuscular septum
Tendons of adductor longus and magnus
Medial lip of linea aspera
Vastus intermedius origin
Proximal two-thirds of the anterior and lateral surfaces of the femur
Articularis genu origin
Anterior surface of the distal femur
Articularis genu insertion
Synovial membrane of the knee joint
Articularis genu innervation
Femoral nerve
Articularis genu function
draw synovium proximally
Gracilis origin
Inferior half of the pubic symphysis, pubic body, and the superior half of the pubic arch (inferior pubic ramus)
Gracilis insertion
Proximal part of the medial surface of the tibia in common with sartorius and semitendinosus
Gracilis nerve supply
Anterior division of the obturator nerve
Gracilis function
Adduct and medial rotate the hip
Flex knee
Pectineus origin
Pecten pubis, the bone anterior to the pecten pubis between the pubic tubercle and iliopectineal eminence
Pecineus insertion
Pectineal line