Muscles Of The Face Flashcards
Origin: zygomatic arch and maxillary process of zygomatic bone
Insertion: lateral surface of ramus of mandible
Innervation: masseteric nerve from the anterior trunk of mandibular nerve V3
Function: elevate mandible
Origin: bone of temporal fossa and temporal fascia
Insertion: coronoid process of mandible and anterior margin of ramus of mandible almost to last molar
Innervation: deep temporal nerves from anterior trunk of mandibular nerve V3
Function: elevation and retraction of mandible
Medial pterygoid
Origin: deep head- medial surface of lateral plate of pterygoid process and pyramidal process of palatine bone . Superficial head- tuberosity of maxilla and pyramidal process of palatine bone
Insertion: medial surface of mandible near angle
Innervation: nerve to medial pterygoid from mandibular nerve V3
Function: elevation and side to side movements of the mandible
Lateral pyterygoid
Origin: upper head- roof of intratemporal fossa. Lower head- lateral surface of lateral plate of pterygoid process
Insertion: capsule of temporomandibular joint in the region of attachment to the articular disc and to the pterygoid fovea on the neck of mandible
Innervation: nerve to lateral pterygoid directly from the anterior trunk of mandibular nerve V3 or form buccal branch
Fucntion: protrusion and side to side movements of mandible
Orbicularis oculi palpebral part
Facial expression
Origin: medial palpebral ligament
Insertion: lateral palpebral Raphe
Innervation: facial nerve
Function: closes eyelids gently
Orbicularis oculi orbital part
Facial expression
Origin: Nasal part of frontal bone, frontal process of maxilla, medial palpebral ligament
Insertion: fibres form an uninterrupted ellipse around orbit
Innervation: facial nerve
Function: closes eyelids forcefully
Corrugator supercilii
Facial expression
Origin: medial end of superciliary arch
Insertion: skin of the medial half of eyebrow
Innervation: facial nerve
Function: draws eyebrows medially and downward
Nasalis transverse part
Facial expression
Origin: maxilla juts lateral to nose
Insertion: aponeurosis across dorsum of nose with muscle fibres from the other side
Innervation: facial nerve
Function: compresses nasal aperture
Nasalis alar part
Facial expression
Origin: maxilla over lateral incisor
Insertion: alar cartilage of nose
Innervation: facial nerve
Function: draws cartilage downward and lateral opening nostrils
Facial expression
Origin: nasal bone and upper part of lateral nasal cartilage
Insertion: skin of lower forehead between eyebrows
Innervation: facial nerve
Function: draws down medial angle of eyebrows producing transverse wrinkles over bridge of nose
Depressor septi nasi
Facial expression
Origin: maxilla above medial incisor
Insertion: Mobile part of the nasal septum
Innervation: facial nerve
Function: pulls nose inferiorly
Depressor anguli oris
Facial expression
Origin: oblique line of mandible below canine, premolar and first molar teeth
Insertion: skin at the corner of mouth and blending with Orbicularis oris
Innervation: facial nerve
Function: draws corner of mouth downward and laterally
Depressor labii inferioris
Facial expression
Origin: anterior part of oblique line of mandible
Insertion: lower lip at midline blends with muscle form opposite side
Innervation: facial nerve
Function: draws lower lip downward and laterally
Facial expression
Origin: mandible inferior to incisor teeth
Insertion: skin of chin
Innervation: facial nerve
Function: raises and protrudes lower lip as it wrinkles skin of chin
Facial expression
Origin: fascia over masseter muscle
Insertion: skin at the corner of the mouth
Innervation: facial nerve
Function: retracts corner of mouth
Zygomaticus major
Facial expression
Origin: posterior part of lateral surface of zygomatic bone
Insertion: skin at the corner of the mouth
Innervation: facial nerve
Function: draws corner of mouth upward and laterally
Zygomaticus minor
Facial expression
Origin: anterior part of lateral surface of zygomatic bone
Insertion: upper lip just medial to corner of mouth
Innervation: facial nerve
Function: draws upper lip upward
Levator labii superioris
Facial expression
Origin: infraorbital margin of maxilla
Insertion: skin of upper lateral half of upper lip
Innervation: facial nerve
Function: raises upper lip and helps form nasolabial furrow
Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
Facial expression
Origin: frontal process of maxilla
Insertion: alar cartilage of nose and upper lip
Innervation: facial nerve
Function: raises upper lip and opens nostril
Levator anguli oris
Facial expression
Origin: maxilla below infraorbital foramen
Insertion: skin at corner of mouth
Innervation: facial nerve
Function: raises corner of mouth and helps form nasolabial furrow
Orbicularis oris
Facial expression
Origin: from muscles in area, maxilla and mandible in midline
Insertion: forms ellipse around mouth
Innervation: facial nerve
Function: closes lips, protrudes lips
Facial expression
Origin: posterior parts of maxilla and mandibles pterygomandibular raphe
Insertion: blends with Orbicularis oris and into lips
Innervation: facial nerve
Function: presses the cheek against teeth, compresses distended cheeks
Anterior auricular
Origin: anterior part of temporal fascia
Insertion: into helix of ear
Innervation: facial nerve
Function: draws ear upward and forward
Superior auricular
Origin: epicranial aponeurosis on side of head
Insertion: upper part of auricle
Innervation: facial nerve
Function: elevates ear
Posterior auricular
Origin: mastoid process of temporal bone
Insertion: convexity of concha of ear
Innervation: facial nerve
Function: draws ear upward and backward
Occipitofrontalis frontal belly
Origin: skin of eyebrows
Insertion: into galea aponeurotica
Innervation: facial nerve
Function: wrinkles forehead, raises eyebrows
Occipitofrontalis occipital belly
Origin: lateral part of superior nuchal line of occipital bone and mastoid process of temporal bone
Insertion: into galea aponeurotica
Innervation facial nerve
Function: draws scalp backwards