Muscles of Superficial Back Flashcards
External Occipital Protuberance
Base of skull
Mastoid Process
Right below ear
End of scapula
Illiac Crest
Tip of pelvis
Trapezius attachments
Descending-occiptal bone at spins process of T1 to T4 and inserts into accordion
Transverse-aponeroses of spinous prices of T1 to T4 and inserts into accordion
Ascending-spinous process of T5 to T12 and inserts onto scapular spine
Ligamentum nuchae
External occoipta protuberance to the c7 spinous process
for the trap
Trap innervation
Accessory Nerve and cervoca pleux (C3-C4)
Accessory nerve shorthad
Cervical plexus nerve verts
C3 and C4
Trap actions
Descending-draws scapula obliquely upward to rotate gleaned
Transverse-draw scapula medially (abducts)
Ascending-draw scapula medially downward
Together-steadyscapula on thorax
Lat attachments
Vertebral-starts at spinous processes of T7 to T12 and thoracolumbar fascia
Scapular-origintes from interior angle of scapula
Costal-starts from ribs 9 to 12
Iliac-originates from posterior third of iliac crest
Lat innervation
Throacodorsal nerve
thoracodorsal nerve verts
C6 to C8
Lat actions
Internally rotate, adduct, and extend upper limb
Cough muscle
Levator scapulae attachements
origin-tranverse process of c1-c4
Ends-super angle of scapula
Levato scapulae innervation
dorsal scauplar nerve
Dorsal scapular nerve verts.
Levator scpaulae action
draws scapula medially upward while moving inerior angle medially, inclines neck to same side
(basically shrug to a side)
Rhomboid minor attachments
Origin-spinous process of c6-7
End-medial border of scapula above (minor) and below (major) scapular spine
Rhomboid minor/makjor innervation
dorsal scapular nerve
Rhomboid major attachments
origin-spinous process of t1-t4 vertebrae
end-medial border of spacial above (minor) and below (major) scapular spine
Trees major attachments
origen-inferior proceso of scapula
Inerstion-crest of lesser tuberosity of the anterior angle of the humorous
Teres major innervation
Lower suscapular nerve
lower suubscapular nerve verts.
trees major actions
internal rotation, adduction, extension
Transverse cervical artery
Blood to trap
CNXI and tranverse cervical artery orientation
CNXI is medial
Artery/accompanying vein are lateral
Artery is usually on top of CNXI
Rhomboid actions
Steady scapula
Draw medially and upward