Anterior Shoulder Flashcards
jugular notch structure
created by two jugular eins
xiphoid process
bottom of rib cage that juts out
midaxillary line
essentially midline coronally
cephalic vein
Run down upper extremity and start posteriorily through deltopectoral groove
basilic vein
run down upper extremity and start anteriorly
median cubital vein
connects cephalic and basilic veins
deltopectorial triangle 6
pectorals major
has branches of lateral pectoral nerve
and thoracoacromial artery
also starting point of cephalic vein though arm
Deltoid attachments
clavicular-start from lateral one third of clavicle
acromial-start from accordion
spinal part-originates from scapular spine
All end on deltoid tuberosity of humorous
deltoid innervation and verts
axillary nerve
deltoid actions
clavicular-flex, internally rotatem and adduct arm at shoulder
acromial part-abduct arm
spinal-extend, externally rotate and adduct arm to shoulder
60-90 degrees of abduction-clavicular and spinal parts help with abduction
pec major attachments
clavicular part-from medial half of clavicle
sternocostal-from sternum and costal cartilages 1-6
abdominal part-anterior layer of rectus sheath-4th rib from bottom
all insert onto crest of greater tuberosity on humorous
pec major innervation and vert
medial and lateral pectroal nerves
pec major actions
all-adduct and interally rotate arm at shoulder
claviular and sternocolstal-flex arm at shoulder and assist in respiration when shoulder fixed
medial pectoral nerve
innervates pecs minor and major
lateral pectoral nerve
innervates pec major
throacoaromial artery
derived from axillary
pec minor attachments
originates from 3-5th ribs
inserts in coracoid process
pec minor innervation and verts
medial pectoral nerve
Pec minor actions
draws scapula downward
-causes inferior angle to move posteriomedially (kinda pops out inferior scapula backwards and medially)
rotate glenoid inferiorly and assist in respiration
axilarry artery branches
superior thoracic artery
thoracoacromial and lateral thoracic arteries
anterior/posterior cicumfle artires and subscapular artery
superior thoracic artery
-extends form lateral edge of first rib to medial boarder of muscle (i think pec minor)
thoracoacromial and lateral thoracic arteries
-lie under pec minor and start as one branch of axillary
anterior/posterior cicumfle artires and subscapular artery
- all start as one
- extends from lateral margin of muscle down to where artery crosses tendon of trees major