Muscles of Lower Limbs function Flashcards
Psoas major
Location: anterior thigh
Action: flexor of the thigh; flexes the trunk (sitting up)
Group: Hip
psoas minor
Location: anterior thigh
Action: weak flexor of spinal cord
Group: Hip
Location: anterior thigh
Action: flexor of thigh: when femur is fixed, flexes the trunk as in sitting up
gluteus maximus
Location: posterior thigh
Action: abducts, extends, and laterally rotates the hip
Group: Glutes
gluteus medius
Location: posterior thigh
Action: abducts the thigh, stabilizes the hip. rotates thigh
Group: Glutes
Gluteus minius
Location: hip posterior region
Action: abduct the thigh, stabilizes the hip, rotates thigh
Group: Glutes
Tensor fasciae latae
Hint: balance a latte on hip
Location: lateral side of thigh
Action: tenses the fascia lata; abductor and internal rotator of thigh; stabilization of the hip and knee joints
Group: Glutes
Obturator externus
Location: tucked under hip joint
Action: externally rotates thigh and stabilizes the pelvis
Group: Thigh Lateral Rotators
Obturator internus
Location: inbetween superior and inferior gemellus
Action: laterally rotates thigh when extended; abducts thigh when flexed
Group: Lateral Rotators
Superior gemellus
Location: lateral, near hip joint
Action: external rotation, adduction, and extension of hip joint; acts as abductors when thigh is flexed
Group: Lateral Rotators
Inferior gemellus
Location: lateral, near hip joint
Action: external rotation, adduction, and extension of the hip joint; act as abductors when the thigh is flexed
Group: Lateral Rotators
Quadratus femoris
Location: inferior to the rest of the thigh lateral rotators
Action: external rotation and adduction of hip
Group: Lateral Rotators
Location: lateral, near hip joint
Action: external rotation, abduction, extension of hip joint; aids in stabilization of the hip
Group: Lateral Rotators
pigeon pose
Thigh Lateral Rotators (Superior to Inferior)
Patch Goods Often Go on Quilts -> Piriformis, Gemullus Superior, Obturator Interus, Gemellus Inferior, Obturator Extermus, Quadraturis Femuris
longest muscle in the body
Location: runs from front of pelvis to top of tibia
Action: hip flexion, external rotation and abduction
Sartor = tailor, tailor sit cross legged to test satorius
Vastus lateralis
Location: lateral thigh
Action: extension of leg at knee joint
Group: Quadriceps
Vastus Intermedialis
Location: inbetween Vastus lateralis and vastus medius
Action: extension of leg at knee joint
Group: Quadriceps
Vastus Medius
Location: most medial of quads in anterior region of thigh
Action: extension of leg at knee joint
Group: Quadriceps
Rectus Femoris
Loction: most anterior of quads
Action: extends knee and hip flexor
Group: Quadriceps
Biceps Femoris
Location: posterior region of thigh; most lateral of hamstrings
Action: flexs knee; rotates tibia outward (laterally)
Group: Hamstrings
Location: posterior region of thigh; medial of hamstrings
Action: flexes knee; rotates leg medially
Group: Hamstrings
thinner, tendon-looking
Location: posterior region of thigh; medial of hamstrings
Action: flexes knee; rotates leg medially
Group: Hamstrings
wider -> sprawling membrane