Muscles Of Head And Face (2) Flashcards
What is the function of the occipitofrontalis front belly?
Elevates eyebrows
Wrinkles skin on forehead
Protracts scalp (surprise/curiosity)
What is the innervation of the occipitofrontalis front belly?
Facial nerve
What is the function of the occipitofrontalis occipital belly?
Retracts scalp (increase effectiveness of front belly)
What is the innervation of the occipitofrontalis occipital belly?
Facial nerve
What is the function of the corrugator supercili?
Draws eyebrows medial/inferior
Creates wrinkles above nose (concern/worry)
What’s the innervation of the corrugator supercili?
Facial nerve
What is the function of the procerus?
Depresses medial eyebrow
Wrinkles skin over nose (dislike)
What is the innervation of the procerus?
Facial nerve
What is the function of the nasalis?
Depresses Ala laterally
Helps elevate upper lip
Flares nostrils (anger)
What is the function of the orbicularis oculi?
Closes eyelids
Palpebral part does this gently
Orbital part does this tightly
What is the innervation of the orbicularis oculi?
Facial nerve
What is the innervation of the nasalis?
Facial nerve
What is the function of the buccinator?
Presses cheek against molars
Works with tongue to keep food in occlusal surfaces
Resists distention (when blowing)
What is the innervation of the buccinator?
Facial nerve
What is the function of the risorius?
Dilates mouth
Frown (sad)
What is the innervation of the risorius?
Facial nerve
What is the function of the zygomaticus major?
Dilates mouth
Unilaterally (sneers, disdain)
What is the innervation of the zygomaticus major?
Facial nerve
What is the function of the zygomaticus minor?
Dilates mouth
Elevates and everts upper lip
Deepen nasolabial sulcus (sadness)
What is the innervation of the zygomaticus minor?
Facial nerve
What is the function of the levator labii superioris?
Dilates mouth
Elevates or everts upper lip
Deepen nasolabial sulcus (sad)
What is the innervation of the levator labii superioris?
Facial nerve
What is the function of the levator anguli oris?
Dilates mouth
Widens oral fissure (grin/grimace)
What is the innervation of the levator anguli oris?
Facial nerve
What is the function of the depressor anguli oris?
Dilates mouth
What is the innervation of the depressor anguli oris?
Facial nerve
What is the function of the depressor labii inferioris?
Dilates mouth
Depresses or everts lower lip (pouting)
What is the innervation of the depressor labii inferioris?
Facial nerve
What’s the function of the mentalis?
Elevates and protrudes lower lip
Elevates skin of chin (showing doubt)
What is the innervation of the mentalis?
Facial nerve
What is the function of the platysma?
Draw corners of mouth inferiorly
Tightens skin of neck during clenching
Widens mouth during sadness or fright
What is the innervation of the platysma?
Facial nweve
What is the function of the temporalis?
Elevates mandible
Closes jaw
Posterior fibers partially contribute to retraction
What is the innervation of the temporalis?
Trigeminal nerve of mandibular branch
What is the function of the masseter?
Elevates mandible
Closes jaw
Superficial fibers contribute to protrusion
What’s the innervation of the masseter?
Trigeminal nerve of mandibular branch
What is the bilateral function of the lateral pterygoid?
Protracts mandible and depresses chin
What is the unilateral function of the lateral pterygoid?
Swings jaw to contralateral side
What is the innervation of the lateral pterygoid?
Trigeminal nerve of mandibular branch
What do alternating movements of the lateral pterygoid cause?
Larger lateral chewing movements
What does the medial pterygoid act synergistically with?
Masseter to elevate mandible
What does the medial pterygoid contribute to?
What does alternating activity of the medial pterygoid create?
Smaller grinding movements
What is the innervation of the medial pterygoid?
Trigeminal nerve of mandibular branch
Orbicularis meaning
Anguli meaning
Pull at an angle (corner)
What are the muscles of mastication?
Temporalis (anterior, middle, posterior)
Lateral pterygoid
Medial pterygoid
What is the function of the anterior and middle temporalis?
Elevate the mandible
What is the function of the posterior temporalis?
Pulls mandible back in
What is the function of the lateral pterygoid?
Champion at protruding the jaw
What are the two heads of the lateral pterygoid?
Superior and inferior heads
What does the medial pterygoid attach to?
Lateral pterygoid plate
What muscle contributes to the ipsilateral side in lateral deviation?
What muscle contributes to the contralateral side in lateral deviation?
Medial pterygoid
Lateral pterygoid
Contraction of the right upper trapezius (descending fibers) will create what?
Ipsilateral lateral flexion
Contralateral rotation
What are the movements of the moving scapula in the upper trapezius?
Upward rotation
What are the movements of the moving neck in the upper trapezius?
Ipsilateral lateral flexion
Contralateral rotation
What are the movements of the moving scapula in the levator scapulae?
Downward rotation
What are the movements of the moving neck in the levator scapulae?
Ipsilateral lateral flexion
Ipsilateral rotation
What results in bilateral concentric contraction of the sternocleidomastoid?
Upper cervical extension with lower cervical flexion
What do Suprahyoids aid in?
What are the suprahyoids?
Digastric, geniohyoid, mylohyoid, stylohyoid,
What do the suprahyoids do?
Elevate hyoid
(Digastric can help depress mandible)
What are the infrahyoids?
Omohyoid, sternohyoid, thyrohyoid, sternothyroid
What do the infrahyoids do?
Depress the hyoid
What muscle help with depression?
Lateral pterygoid
What muscles help with elevation?
Medial pterygoid
What muscles help with protrusion?
Lateral pterygoid
Medial pterygoid
What muscles help with retrusion?
Temporalis (posterior fibers)