Muscles of facial expression: mouth Flashcards
Depressor anguli oris
O: oblique line of mandible
I: skin at corner of mouth
N: facial nerve
A: draws corner of mouth down and laterally
Depressor labii inferioris
O: anterior oblique line of mandible
I: mid lower lip
N: Facial nerve
A: draw lower lip down and laterally
O: mandible inferior to incisors
I: Chin skin
N: facial
A: raise and protrude lower lip–wrinkle chin skin
O: masseter fascia
I: corner of mouth
N: facial
A: retracts corner of mouth
zygomaticus minor
O: Antero-lateral surface of zygomatic bone
I: upper lip medial to corner of mouth
N: Facial
A: draws upper lip up
zygomaticus major
O: postero-lateral surface of zygomatic bone
I: corner of mouth
N: facial
A: draws corner of mouth up and lateral
levator labii superiors
O: infra orbital margin of maxilla
I: lateral upper lip
N: facial
A: raises upper lip (forms nasolabial furrow)
levator anguli oris
O: maxilla below infraorbital foramen
I: corner of mouth
N: Facial
A: raises corner of mouth (forms nasolabial furrow)
orbicularis oris
O: maxilla and mandible in midline
I: ellipse around mouth
N: Facial
A: closes/protrudes lips
O: posterior mandible and maxilla
I: blends with oris and into lips
N: Facial
A: presses cheeks against teeth