Muscles of Facial Expression Flashcards
Is the origin or the insertion fixed?
The origin is usually more…
Proximal and medial
Lateral and medial
proximal and medial
Origin is usually a Skeletal or muscle attachment?
skeletal attachment
Insertions can be via ligament to
bone or subcutaneous tissue and skin
All muscles of facial expression are innervated by the motor branches of what nerve
facial nerve CN VII
O: anterior belly
I: galea aponeurotica
A: raises the eyebrows and wrinkles the forehead
CN: frontalis
temporal branch of CN VII
A: draws eyebrows down and medially
corrugator supercilli
A: produces vertical wrinkled on the forhead
corrugator supercilli
corrugator supercilli helps with what facial expression?
CN: corrugator supercilli
temporal branch of VII
A: Draws down the median angle of the eyebrow
A: Produces horizontal wrinkles over bridge of nose
CN: temporal branch of CN VII
Procerus, Frontalis, Corrugator supercilli
CN: procerus
Muscle that goes around the orbit of the eye
Orbital part of Orbicularis Oculi
Muscle forms the fleshy eyelid
palpebral part of Orbicularis Oculi
A: forceful closure of eye
Orbital part of orbicularis oculi
A: Reflex blinking of eye
Palpebral part of orbicularis oculi
CN: Orbicularis Oculi
temporal and zygomatic branches of CN VII
This muscle covers the middle of the cartilaginous bridge of the nose
Transverse part of Nasalis
CN: Nasalis
buccal branch of facial nerve (CN VII)
A: pucker lips and shut them tightly
orbicularis oris
CN: orbicularis oris
buccal branch of CN VII
A: allows one to puff the cheeks
A: compresses cheek to keep it taught against the teeth to aid in chewing
CN: buccal branch of CN VII
Orbicularis oris
Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
CN: Buccinator
buccal branch of CN VII
A: draws corner of mouth backwards, upward, and outward
Zygomaticus Major
A: elevates upper lip
Zygomaticus Major
CN: Zygomaticus Major
zygomatic and buccal branches of CN VII
A: draws the corner of the mouth backward, upward, and outward
Zygomaticus Minor
Located medial to zygomaticus major muscle
Zygomaticus Minor
A: elevates upper lip
Zygomaticus Minor
CN: Zygomaticus Minor
zygomatic and buccal branches of CN VII
CN: Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
buccal branch of CN VII
CN: Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi (LLSAN)
buccal branch of CN VII
A: elevate upper lip
Levator labii superioris
CN: Levator labii superioris
A: compresses bridge of nose, depresses the tip of the nose, elevates the corner of each nostril
A: elevates angle of mouth
Levator anguli oris
CN: Levator anguli oris
buccal branch of CN VII
A: depresses angle of mouth
Depressor anguli oris
CN: Depressor anguli oris
mandibular branch of CN VII
A: depresses the lower lip
Depressor labii inferioris
CN: Depressor labii inferioris
mandibular branch of CN VII
A: elevates and protrudes lower lip
CN: Mentalis
mandibular branch of CN VII
A: allows to puff cheeks
A: compresses cheek to keep it taught against the teeth to aid in chewing
CN: buccinator
buccal branch of CN VII