Muscles for Ankle & Foot Flashcards
Tibialis anterior
O- anterior shaft of tibia
I - metatarsals
A - dorsiflexion and inverts foot
Extensor digitorum longus
O - lateral condyle of tibia, interosseous membrane
I - middle and distal phalanges of toes 2-5
A - extends foot, dorsiflexion
Fibularis (Peroneus) longus
O - head and upper portion of lateral tibia
I - long tendon that curves under foot to first metatarsal and medial cuneiform
A - plantar flexes and everts foot
Fibularis brevis
O - distal fibula shaft
I - tendon behind lateral malleolus to insert on proximal end of 5th metatarsal
A - plantar flex and evert foot
Fibularis tertius
O - Distal anterior surface oof fibula and interosseous membrane
I - tendon inserts on dorsum of 5th metatarsal
A - dorsiflexes and everts foot
O - medial and lateral condyles, distal femur
I - calcaneous
A- plantar flexes foot and flexes knee
O - proximal tibia and fibula
I - calcaneous
A - plantar flexes foot
Extensor hallucis longus
O - anteromedial fibula shaft and interosseous membrane
I - tendon inserts on distal phalanx of great toe
A - extends great toe
Extensor digitorum brevis
O - anterior of calcaneous bone, extensor retinaculum
I - base of phalanx of great toe, extensor expansions of toes 2- 4
A - helps extend toes at metatarsophalangeal joints
Abductor hallucis
O - calcaneal tuberosity and flexor retinaculum
I - proximal pha;anx of great toe, medial side
A - abducts great toe
Abductor digiti minimi
O - calcaneal tuberosity
I - lateral side of base of little toes proximal phalanx
A - abducts and flexes little toe