Head and Neck Muscles Flashcards
O - Cranial aponeurosis
I - Skin of the eyebrows & root of nose
A - Raises eyebrows and wrinkles forehead
O - Occipital & Temporal bone
I- Galea aponeuronica
A - Pulls scalp posteriorly
Orbicularis Oculi
O - Frontal bone, maxilla, and medial palpebral
ligament; lacrimal bone
I - Lateral palpebral raphe and superior and inferior
tarsi medial
A - Blinks and closes eyelids
Orbicularis Oris
O - Mandible and maxilla
I - Spinchter-like muscle at the angle of the mouth
A - Closes and protrudes the lips
O - Zygomatic Bone
I - Skin and muscle at the corner of the mouth
A - Raises the corners of the mouth
O - molar region of maxilla and mandible
I - Orbicularis oris
A - Flattens the cheek and holds food in when chewing
O - Temporal fossa and temporal fascia
I - Coronoid process, anterior ramus of mandible
A - Closes Jaw, Elevates and retracts the mandible against maxilla with great force
O - Temporal bone
I - Ramus of mandible
A - Raises the mandible against the maxilla with great force
O - Fascia of the chest
I - Lower margin of mandible, and skin and muscle at corner of mouth
A - Tenses skin of neck (as during shaving); helps depress mandible; pulls lower lip back and down
O - Sternum and clavicle
I - Lateral surface of the mastoid process; nuchal line of
occipital bone
A - Draws head towards shoulder of same side, rotates head to opposite side, flexes cervical part, assist in elevating the thorax
O - Occipital bone
I - Scapular spine and clavicle
A - Extends the head. Elevate, depress, adduct, stabilise the scapula
O - Transverse processes of
cervical vertebrae
I - anterolaterally on first two rib
A - Elevate first two ribs; flex and rotate neck
Splenius capitus
O - Lower half of ligamentum nuchae and spinous process of C7, T4/T5
I: Mastoid process of temporal bone and occipital bone
A - Supports head erection. Draws head directly backwards. Draws head to one side. Slight rotation, turning face to same side
Levator labii superioris
O - Zygomatic bone and infraorbital margin of maxilla
I - Skin and muscle of upper lip
A - Opens lips; raises and furrows upper lip
Depressor labii inferioris
O - Body of mandible lateral to its midline
I - Skin and muscle of lower lip
A - Draws lower lip inferiorly (pout)