Muscles-continued Flashcards
4 Muscle Fiber Shapes (organization)
- ) Circular ex: orbicularis
- ) Convergent- come to a point; broad base and and inserts at narrow point ex: pectoralis
- ) Parallel- fibers run straight ex: biceps brachii, rectus abdominis
- ) Pennate- “feather”
a. unipennate: all fibers on 1 side of 1 tendon ex: flexors/extensors in forearm
b. bipennate: 1 tendon down middle w/ fibers on both sides ex: rectus femoris
c. multipennate: more than 1 tendon ex: deltoids
Muscle Attachments
1.) Origin- nonmovable end; expands a joint; red on models
2.) Insertion: movable end; blue on models
3.) Belly: what you are eating when eating a steak
Ex: Insertion for bicep is on the radial tuberosity
Contraction Terms
- ) Synergistic: muscles work together ex: bicep is flexor for forearm; brachialis inserts on coronoid process of ulna
- ) Antagonistic: muscles do the opposite of each other ex: triceps extend forearm and bicep is antagonistic to tricep
Skeletal Muscle Composition
Fiber- 1 skeletal muscle
Fasicle- bundle of fibers
Connective Tissue
- ) endomysium- white, thin, delicate C.T. surrounding one fiber where capillary exchange takes place
- ) perimysium- wraps around bundle of cells/fasicle
- ) epimysium- stronger C.T. that covers many bundles/fasicles
- ) fascia- loose C.T.
- ) tendon- attaches muscle to bone; aponeurosis (generic name) is a flat sheat like tendon for biding over a wide area ex: lumbodorsal fascia
- ) retinaculum- C.T. found at wrist and ankle that holds tendons down
Breakdown of Muscles
1 muscle fiber contains many myofibrils and the myofibrils are made up of myofilaments: actin and myosin
plasma membrane of skeletal muscle cell; the endomysium is exterior to this structure
Transverse Tubule (T-Tubule)
continuations of sarcolemma; takes depolarization deep into muscle cell; blue on model
Motor End Plate
specialized region of sarcolemma that contains receptors for neurotransmitters; squiggly line on model
Sarcoplasmic Reticulum (SR) Terminal Cisternae
network surround myofibrils that stores and releases calcium so muscles can contract; peach colored network on model
expanded portion on either side of T-tubule
made of 2 terminal cisternae and 1 t-tubule
muscle cell cytoplasm
Myosin- thick filament/dark band; has globular head
Actin- thin filament/light band; has binding site;
tropomyosin covers binding site on actin when muscle is relaxed; troponin is the binding site for calcium
I Band
actin only/ thin filament
A Band
the length of myosin
Zone of Overlap
composed of actin and myosin
H Zone
middle part of A Band; only myosin
M Line
protein in middle of myosin
arrangement of actin and myosin in skeletal and cardiac muscle causing them to be striated/striped; z line to z line on actin
Sliding Filament Theory
Z-discs never touch because actin and myosin don’t change length; as z discs come closer together the zone of overlap increases
Excitation, Contraction, Coupling
depolarization on excitable membrane; sliding filament theory; coupled by release of calcium
Neuromuscular Junction
where neuron and muscle cell come together (terminal end of axon + synaptic cleft/gap + motor end plate of sarcolemma)
Motor Unit
1 motor neuron + the number of muscle fibers/cells it innervates with