Muscles Around the Spine Flashcards
What is the Transversospinalis Group?
This is a group of muscles that includes:
Semispinalis Capitis
What is the (O) and (I) for the Multifidi muscle group?
(O) Sacrum & TVP of lumbar - Cervical.
I) Spinous processes of Lumbar - 2nd cervical (Multifidi Span 2-4 vertebra
What is the Action for the Multifidi Muscle group?
Unilaterally: Contralateral Rotation of the Vertebral Column.
Bilaterally: Extension of the Vertebral column.
What is the (O) and (I) for the Rotatores (Spinal Muscle group)?
(O) TVP lumbar - Cervical Vertebra.
I) Spinous Process of lumbar vertebra - C2. (Rotators Span 1-2
What is the Action of the Rotaores (Spinal Muscle group)?
Unilaterally: Contralateral Rotation of the Vertebral Column.
Bilaterally: Extension of the Vertebral column.
What is the (O) and (I) for the Semispinalis Capitis?
(O) TVP of C4 - T5.
(I) Between the superior and Inferior nuchal lines of the Occiput.
What is the (O) and (I) for the Splenius Capitis?
(O) Inferior 1/2 of Ligamentum nuchae and SP of C7 - T4.
(I) Mastoid Process and lateral portion of Superior nuchal line.
What is the Action of the Splenius Capitis?
Unilaterally: Ipsilateral Rotation, Ipsilateral Lateral Flexion of the Head and neck.
Bilaterally: Extension of the Head and Neck.
What is the (O) and (I) for the Splenius Cervicis?
(O) SP of T3 - T6.
(I) TVP C1 - C3.
What is the Action for the Splenius Cervicis?
Unilaterally: Ipsilateral Rotation, Ipsilateral Lateral Flexion of the Head and neck.
Bilaterally: Extension of the Head and Neck.
What are all the Sub-occipitals?
Rectus Capitis Posterior Major
Rectus Capitis Posterior minor
Oblique Capitis Superior
Oblique Capitis Inferior
What is the (O) and (I) for the Rectus Capitis Posterior Major?
(O) SP of Axis (C2)
(I) Inferior nuchal line of the occiput
What is the (O) and (I) for the Rectus Capitis Posterior minor?
(O) Tubercle of the posterior arch of the atlas.
(I) Inferior nuchal line of the Occiput.
What is the (O) and (I) for the Oblique Capitis Superior?
(O) TVP of the Atlas.
(I) Between the nuchal Lines of the occiput.
What is the (O) and (I) for the Oblique Capitis Inferior?
(O) SP of the Axis.
(I) TVP of the Atlas.