Muscles Flashcards
end of the muscle that is attached to the least movable structure.
Other end of the muscle and is attached to the more moveable structure.
Name the Suprahyoid muscles
Action Digastric
Elevation of hyoid and larynx / depress mandible and opens jaw
Action Mylohyoid
Elevates tongue, depress mandible, elevated hyoid bone
Action Stylohyoid
Elevation of hyoid and larynx
Action Geniohyoid
Elevation of hyoid and larynx / depress mandible and opens jaw
Name the Infrahyoid muscles
Action sternothyroid
Depress thyroid cartilage and larynx
Action Sternohyoid
Depresses hyoid
Action omohyoid
Depress hyoid bone
Action Thyrohyoid
Raises thyroid cartilage and larynx, depress hyoid bone.
What muscle is the most obvious muscle of mastication?
Masseter muscle
-Since it is the most superficial and one of the strongest.
What muscle is responsible for elevating the angle of the mouth?
Zygomaticus Major.
Levator Anguli Oris.
What muscles contributes to smiling?
Zygomaticus Major.
Zygomaticus Minor.
Levator Anguli Oris.
What muscle is responsible for elevating the upper lip?
Levator Labii Superioris
Zygomaticus Minor.
Levator labii Superioris muscle:
Broad, flat. Oral region Facial Expression ACTION: elevates the upper lip. ORIGIN: maxilla INSERTION: upper lip.
Levator labii superioris alaque nasi muscle:
Oral region Facial expression ACTION: Elevates the upper lip and ala of the nose; dialates each of the nares (sneering expression). ORIGIN: Maxilla INSERTION: Ala, upper lip.
Review muscles that aid in lowering the lips.
Orbicularis Oris (MAYBE) Depressor Labii Inferioris
Know which muscles cause the forehead to wrinkle.
Corrugator Supercilii
Know what muscle encircles the eye and which one encircles the mouth.
Eye: Obicularis oculi.
Mouth: Obicularis oris
-Vermillion zone fibers of the muscle encircle the mouth.
Know the muscles that comprise the floor of the mouth.
Mylohyoid muscle.
Geniohyoid (MAYBE).
What is the longitudinal depression which runs down the midline of the tongue is called?
Median lingual sulcus
What nerve innervates the tongue muscles?
HYPOGLOSSAL Nerve (12th cranial nerve) innervates the tongue muscles.
What muscles are at work during swallowing?
Stylopharyngeus Muscle
Pharyngeal constrictors
Muscles of the soft palate
Review posterior and anterior triangles. What divides them?
Divided by sterncleidomastoid muscle.
Helps to define location of structures (lymph nodes in the head and neck).
Review masseter muscle.
Muscle of mastication: -Location: superficial cheek -Region: Cheek -Origin: Superficial head: zygomatic process Deep head: zygomatic arch -Insertion: Superficial head: angle of mandible Deep head: ramus -Action: Elevate mandible, close jaw.
Review epicranial muscle.
Muscle of facial expression: -Location: scalp -Region: Frontal/Occipital -Origin: Front belly: tendon Occipital belly: occipital bone and mastoid process -Insertion: Front belly: skin of eyebrow/root of the nose. Occipital belly: tendon. -Action: Surprise (forehead movement)
-Location: Lateral sides of the neck (paired)
-Origin: Clavicle, sternum.
-Insertion: Mastoid process of the temporal bone and line of occipital bone.
One muscle: head and neck bend to ipsilateral side.
Both muscles: Neck flex, junction of head and neck extend.
- Location: Superficial to posterior and lateral surface of neck
- Origin: Occipital bone
- Insertion: clavicle and parts of scapula
- Action: Lift clavicle and scapula when shoulders are “shrugged”.
Muscles of MASTICATION (4):
o Masseter Muscle
o Temporalis Muscle
o Medial Pterygoid Muscle
o Lateral Pterygoid Muscle
Muscles of FACIAL EXPRESSION (15):
o Epicranial o Obicularis Oculi o Corrugator Supercilii o Obicularis Oris o Buccinator o Risorius o Levator Labii superioris o Levator labii superioris alaque nasi o Zygomaticus Major o Zygomaticus Minor o Levator anguli oris o Depressor labii inferioris o Mentalis o Platysma
Suprahyoid Muscles (4):
o Digastric
o Mylohyoid
o Stylohyoid
o Geniohyoid
Infrahyoid Muscles (4):
o Omohyoid
o Sternohyoid
o Sternothyroid
o Thyrohyoid