Muscles Flashcards
Muscles in which connect scapula to body ?
Deep:levator scapula,rhomboid minor and major
Trapezius info?
Origin:occipital and c1-c7(ligament) and t1-t12(spinous process)
Insertion:spine of scapual and acromion and clavicle
Nervation:shock nerve + anterior root of c3 and c 4
Work:raising the scapula and rotation of ir
Origin:spine of scapula and acromion and clavicle
Insertion:deltoid tubercle of humerus
Nervation: axillary nerve
Artery: posterior circumflex humeral
Work:abduction of arm (after 15’ ke tavasote supra spinatous anjam mishabad)
Levator scapula?
Origin:transverse process of c1-c4
Insertion:posterior surface od scapula between superior angle and spine
Nervation:anterior root of c3 and c5 and posterior scapular
Work:raising scapula
Rhomboid minor and major?
Origin:spinous process of c4-t1(minor) t2-t5(major)
Insertion:scapula under superior angle
Nervation:posterior scapula
Work:raising and traction of scapula
Posterior scapular region muscles?
Supra spinatous, infra spinatous, tres minor , tres major
Supra spinatous?
Origin:supraspinatous fossa
Insertion:upper part of great tubercle of humerus
Work:15’ of abduction of arm
Infra spinatous?
Originf:infra spinatous fossa
Insertion:middle of great tubercle of humerus
Work:lateral rotation
Tres minor?
Origin:posterior surface of scapula a flat place at the inferior part
Insertion:lower part of great tubercle of humeros
Work:lateral rotation
Tres major?
Origin : a oval place at inferior part of posterior surface of scapula
Insertion:medial crest of intertubercular groove
Work:medial rotation + extension
Long head of triceps brachi?
Origin:infraglenoid tubercle
Insertion:olocranon of ulna
Work:main extensor of forearm
Extension and adduction of humerus
What passes from quadrangle space?(at back)
Axillary nerve and posterior circumflex humeral artery
What passes from triangulat space?
Circumflex scapular artery and vein
What passes from Triangular interval(فاصله)?
Rradial nerve and profunda brachii artery and vein (شبکه بازویی عمقی)
Which muscles does suprascapular nerve support?
Supraspinatous and jncra spinatous
Most important back scapular arteries?
Suprascapular,posterior circumflex humeral,circumflexscapular
Origin of supra scapular artery
Thyro cervical (which originates from sublacivan)
Origination of circumflex scapular artery?
Subscapular artery
What forms axillaries inlet(ورودی)?
Lateral margin of First rib and clavicle and superior margin of scapula to coracoid process
How neurovascular system inserts into axilla?
Anteriorly:vein then artery and then brachial plexus
What forms anterior wall of axillry?
Pectoralis major and minor and subclavius
Pectoralis major?
Origin:rib and sternum and clavicle
Insertion:lateral crest of intertubercular groove of humerus
Main nervation:lateral pectoral and medial pectoral
Work:adduction and flexion and medial rotation of arm
Pectoralis minor?
Origin:ribes 3 to 5
Insertion:coracoid process
Nervation: medial pectoral
Work:pulling shoulder downwards
Subclavius muscle?
Origin:attachment of rib 1 and cartilage
Work:pulling shoulder downward
Pectoralis fascia?
Between subclavius and pectoralis minor muscle
What makes medial wall of axilla?
Superior park of thoracic cage and seratus anterior
Seratus anterior?
Origin:ribs 1 to 9(fascia cobering them)
Insertion:costal part of scapula
Nervation:long thoracic
Work:drags scapula into thoracic and helps in the rotation of it
Where does intercosto brachial nerve originate from and where does it go ?
It originates from intercostal nerve (anterior root of t2) and goes to axilla to connect with a brachial branch nerve and then it goes to medial posterior part of arm its a cutaneous nerve
Where does tres major insert to?
Medial creat of interrubercular nerve
Where does latissimus dorsi insert to ?
Kafe navdan beyne tokmeyu
What forms lateral wall of axilla?
Intertubercular groove
What forms posterior wall of axilla?
Costal surface of scapula and distal part of latissmus dorsi and tres major and proximal part of triceps brachi and subscapularis
What supports kaf e axill?
Clavipectoral fascia
What passes through axilla?
Coracobrachialis and biceps brachi muscle
Biceps brachi ?
Origin:long head:supeaglenoid tubrcle Short head:coracoid Insertion:radial tubercle Nerve:musculocutaneous nerve Work:flexion of forearm and supination of forearm and flexion of arm
Insertion:attaches to middle of humerus (zebr shodegi)