Muscles Flashcards
Horizontal plate of palatine bone att.
musculus uvulae, palatopharyngeus m.
What is responsible of hyoid elevation?
Anterior and posterior digastric stylohyoid geniohyoid m.
Axis spinous process att.
semispinalis cervicis, rectus capitis posterior Mjor, obliquusn capitis inferior m.
salpingopharyngeus m. Innervation
vagus N. (pharyngeal branch)
Oblique line of mandibular ramus att
depressor labii inferioris
Longus colli m. actions and attachments
Cervical vertebral bodies to cervical vertebral bodies and adjacent transverse process Neck flexion
Pterygoid hamulus
buccinator superior constrictor m. pterygomandibular raphe
Scalenus medius m. action and attachments
Trasnverse process of cervical vertebrae to 1st rib lateral of scalene tubercle. elevation of 1st rib during forced insp. Neck: lateral flexion
levator anguli oris m. innervation
Buccal and zygomatic branches of facial n.
Depressor labii inferioris m. action and attachments
Lower oblique line of mandible to skin and mucosa of lower lip Draws lower lip downward
Anterior lacrimal crest of maxilla att.
medial palepbral lig.
Pterygoid fovea att.
lateral pterygoid muscle
levator labii superioris m. innervation
Buccal and zygomatic branches of facial n.
Sternothyroid m. innervation
Anas Cervicalis n.
Interarytenoid m. AAI
Arytenoid to arytenoid closes glottis assists in closing aryepiglottic folds recurrent laryngeal n.
Mentalis M. action and attachments
Incisive fossa of mandible to skin of chin Raises lower lip
Stapes att.
stapedius m.
Musculus uvulae m. AAI
Hard palate (horizontal plate of hard palate) to uvular mucosa Palatopharyngeal closure Vagus n. (Pharyngeal branch)
Innervation of temporalis m.
Mandibular n. (Deep temporal n.)
sternocleidomastoid m. Action and attachments
Most superifical Lateral aspect of mastoid process to superior nucal line or manubrium and medial 1/2 of clavicle. Head flexion and contralateral rotation Neck flexion
Omohyoid m. innervation
Ansa Cervicalis n.
Styloglossus m. action, att, and in
styloid process to lateral base of tongue Tongue elevation and retraction hypoglossal n.
Tensor veli palatini m.
Scaphoid fossa and cartilage of auditory tube, spine of sphenoid to palatine aponeurosis after deflecting around hamulus Soft palate: unilateral deviation, bliateral tension Mandibular N. (N. to medial pterygoid)
What muscles protract mandible?
Masseter m., lateral pterygoid
rectus capitis posterior major m. innervation
suboccipital n. (dorsal ramus C1)
Cervical body vertebrae att.
longus coli m.
Obliquus capitis superior m. A and A
Transverse process of atlas to occipital bone between superior and inferior nuchal lines head: posterior-lateral flexion
Lateral rectus m. action and attachments
Common tendinous ring to lateral aspect of sclera Eye: abduction
Rectus capitis posterior minor m. innervation
suboccipital n. (dorsal ramus C1)
Middle constrictor innervation
Pharyngeal plexus (X)
Longus capitis m. innervation
Ventral rami of cervical spinal n.
Levator labii superioris m. action and innervation
Infraorbital margin to lateral aspect of upper lip raises and everts upper lip
Sternothyroid m. action and attachments
Posterior aspect of manubrium to thyroid lamina Dpression of elevated larynx
Superior constrictor m. A and A
pterygoid hamulus and pterygomandibular raphe to medial pharyngeal raphe Sphincter and peristaltic action in swallowing
Tensor tympani m. AAI
Malleus of ear dampens movement of malleus N. to medial pterygoid of mandibular n.
Lateral Rectus m. innervation
Abducens N.
Stylopharyngeus m. innervation
glossopharyngeal n.
Orbital surface of maxilla att.
inferior oblique m.
Frontalis m. innervation
temporal branch of facial n.
Inferior genial tubercle att.
geniohyoid m.
Innervation of semispinalis capitis m.
dorsal rami of cervical spinal
Which muscles elevate the mandible?
Masseter, temporalis, medial pterygoid m.
Middle constrictor m. A and A
Greater and lesser cornu of hyoid, stylohyoid ligmane tto median pharyngeal raphe Sphincter and peristalsis action in swallowing
Muscles of mastification
Masseter temporalis lateral pterygoid medal pterygoid
Superior border of petrous bone att
tentorium cerebelli
Orbicularis oris m. innervation
Facial n. - buccal and marginal mandibular branches
Innervation of posterior digastric m.
Facial N. (N. to posterior digastric)
Innervation of obliquus capitis superior m.
subocciptial n (dorsal ramus C1)
Anterior clinoid process of sphenoid bone att
tenorium cerebelli m.
Palatoglossus m. AAI
Palatine aponeurosis to lateral aspect of tongue Elevation of root of tongue Approximation of palatoglossal fold
Innervation of aryepiglotticus m.
recurrent laryngeal
Clavical att.
Obliquus capitis inferior m. A and A
Spinous process of axis to transverse process of atlas Head: ipsilateral rotation
Splenius cervicis m. innervation
dorsal rami of spinal n.
Lateral pterygoid m. innervation
mandibular n. (N to lateral pterygoid)
Muscles of palate
levator veli palatini m. musculus uvulae m. palatoglossus palatopharyngeus tensor veli palatiniq
Cervical transverse process att.
longus capitis, longus coli, scalenus anterior medius and posterior, semispinalis capitis, splenius cervicis
Stylohyoid m. action and attachments
styloid process to intermediate tendon (greater cornu) of hyoid Hyoid elevation and rectraction
Genioglossus m. action and attachments and innevation
Superior genial tubercle of hyoid body and middle constrictor to length of ventral aspect of the tongue. Tongue protrusion Hypoglossal n.
Splenius cervicis m. action and attachment
Spinous process of upper thoracic to transverse process of upper 3 cervical vertebrae. Neck: extension, single side - ipsilateral rotation
Sternohyoid m. action and attachments
Posterior side of proximal clavicle and adjacent manubrium to inferior body of hyoid Hyoid depression
Omohyoid m. action and attachments
Superior border of scapula medial to scapular notch to lateral aspect of hyoid passing through intermediate tendon slinging loosely with clavicle and first rib Hyoid depression
Lateral Pterygoid m. action and attachment
Infratemporal surface of sphenoid and lateral surface of later pterygoid plate to pterygoid fovea of mandible and TMJ disc Protraction of mandible acts with medial pterygoid to provide side to side movement of jaw during chewing
zygomaticus major m. innervation
Facial n. Zygymatic branches and buccal branches
What are the extra-ocular muscles?
Inferior and superior oblique m. Levator palpebrae superioris m. Superior, medial, inferior, and lateral rectus m.
Orbicularis oris m. attachments and actions
Angle of mouth to superficial fascia of the lip oral sphincter - closes mouth
What are the deep (intrinsic) muscles of the neck?
Splenius capitius m. Splenius cervicis m. Longissimus captius m. semispinalis capitis m. semispinalis cervicis m.
Lateral pterygoid plate att
lateral and medial pterygoid m.
Medial Pterygoid m. action and attachments
Medial surface of lateral pterygoid plate and adjacent pterygoid fossa to medial aspect of angle of mandible Action: elevation of mandible acts with lateral pterygoid for side to side movement during chewing
Innervation of superior constrictor m.
pharyngeal plexus (X)
Temporal crest of mandible att.
temporalis m.
Canine fossa of maxilla att.
levator anguli oris m.
Axis transverse process att.
levator scapulae middle scalene
Masseter m. action and attachments
Zygomatic arch to angle of mandible and lateral aspect of ramus Elevation, protraction and retraction of mandible
Squamotympatic fissure att.
articular disc
Lateral cricoarytenoid m. AA
Arch of cricoid cartilage to muscular process of arytenoid. gloses glottis and adducts vocal folds
Zygomatic process of temporal bone. att
masseter m.
Scalenus anterior innervation
ventral rami of cervical spinal n.
platysma m. action and attachments
lower mandibular border to superficial fascia overlying skin of neck and clavical wrinkles anterior nuccal skin
Stylopharyngeus n. A and A
styoid process and posterior lateral pharyngeal wall. Pharyngeal wall elevation
Atlas transverse process att.
levator captulae, obliquus capitis inferior and superior
Anterior border of mandibular ramus att.
temporalis m.
Craniofacial muscles:
Frontalis orbicularis oculi orbicularis oris nasalis mentalis levator anguli oris m. levator labilii superioris m. depressor anguli oris m. depressor labii inferioris m. buccintaor platysma zygomaticus major
inferior temporal line att.
temporalis m.
Splenius Capitis m. action and attachments
Ligametum nuchae and lower cervical and upper thoracic spinous processes to lateral 1/3 of superior nuchal line Neck: extension and lateral flexion
Mylohyoid innervation
Mylohyoid branch of inferior alveolar n. (mandibular)
Scalenus anterior m. action and attachments
Transverse process of middle cervical vertebrae to scalene tubercle of 1st rib Elevation of 1st rib during forced insp Flexion and rotation of neck
Vocalis m. aai
thyroid angle and vocal process of arytenoid cartilage slackens tensed vocal ligaments for changes in pitch Recurrent laryngeal n.
Longissimus capitis m. action and attachment
Upper thoracic transverse process to posterior margin of mastoid process head: extension and ipsilateral rotation
Innervation of lateral cricoarytenoid m.
recurrent laryngeal
Nasalis m. action and attachments
Maxilla lateral and inferior to nasal notch to brich and ala of nose Transverse fibers compress nose alar fibers widen nasal aperture (flares nostrils)
Innervation of Splenius capitis m.
Dorsal rami of cervical spinal n.
Buccinator Attachments and Actions
Alveolar processes of maxilla and mandible, pterygoid hamulus, and pterygomandibular raphe To Buccal angle Cheek: Compression
Axis dens att.
alar lig.
Rectus capitis posterior minor m. A and A
Posterior tubercle of atlas to adj. occipital bone head extension
scaphoid fossa
tensor palatini m.
What are the suboccipital muscles?
Rectus capitis posterior M and Minor Obliquus capitis inferior and superior
Posterior cricoarytenoid m. AAI
Posteiror surface of cricoid lamina to muscular process of arytenoid cartilage Opens glottis and assists in closing aryepiglottic folds recurrent laryngeal n.
What innervates the Buccinator Muscle?
Facial N. (Buccal branch)
Lateral surface of sphenoid bone att.
temporalis lateral pterygoid m.
Temporal surface att.
temporalis m.
Inferior oblique m. innervation
inferior ramus of oculomotor n.
SCM m. innervation
accessory n.
Innervation of Masseter M.
Mandibular n. (masseteric n.)
Superior rectus m. innervation
Superior ramus of oculomotor n.
Depressor anguli oris m. attachments and actions
Mandible to buccal angle action: depressed buccal angle laterally
Thyrohyoid m. innervation
Ventral ramus of C1 visa hypoglssal n.
Palatopharyngeus m. AAI
Posterior hard palate (horizontal palatine bone) and palatine aponeurosis to wall of pharynx Pharynx elevation approximation of palatopharyngeal fold Vagus n. (pharyngeal branch)
Innervation of obliquus capitis inferior m.
suboccipital n. (dorsal ramus C1)
Pharyngeal tubercle att
pharyngeal raphe
Longus Capitis m. action and attachments
Anterior tubercles of transverse process of cervical vertebaes to basilar occipital Head flexion and neck flexion
Supraorbital margin att.
orbicularis oculi m.
Lesser cornu att.
middle constrictur m stylohyoid lig
Innervation of geniohyoid m.
Ventral ramus of C1 (via hypoglossal n.)
what is the difference between captis and cervicis muscles?
Capitis attaches to the skull Cervicis attaches to cervical part of the spine
Manubrium att.
Anterior surface: SCM posterior: sternohyoid and stenothyroid m.
Aryepiglotticus m. A and A
oblqiue arytenoids to aryepiglottic folds cloes aryepigottic folds
Thyroarytenoid m. AAI
Lower half of thyroid angle to anterolateral aspect of arytenoid cartilage closses clottis slackens vocal rolds Recurrent laryngeal n.
What muscles attach to the common tendinous ring?
All rectus eye muscles (sup, medial, inferior, lateral)
Cricothyroid m. AAI
anterolateral external aspect of cricoid cartilage to lower border of thyroid cartilage and inferior cornu. tenses vocal folds external laryngeal n.
Inferior Rectus m. innvervation
Inferior Ramus of oculomotor n.
Innervation of levator palpebrae superioris m.
superior ramus of oculomotor n.
What is responsible for mandible depression?
Anterior and posterior digastric geniohyoid m.
orbicularis oculi m. innervation
Facial n. Temporal and zygomatic branches
Superior nuchal line att.
trapezius, sternocleidomastoid, semispinalis capitis, splenius capitis
Inferior constrictor innervation
Pharyngeal plexus X recurrent laryngeal n. external laryngeal n.
styloid process att.
stylohyoid, stylopharyngus, styloglossus., stylohyoid lig.
Geniohyoid m. action and attachments
Inferior genial tubercle of mandible to anterior aspect of body of hyoid. Elevation and anterior displacement of hyoid Depression of mandible
Superior temporal line att.
temporal fascia
What muscles depress the eye?
Superior oblique m. Inferior rectus m.
Inferior Rectus m. action and attachment
Common tendinous ring to inferior aspect of sclera eye: depression, adduction, extrusion
Innervation of medial pterygoid m.
Mandibular n. (N to medial pterygoid)
Anterior tubercle of atlas att.
anterior longitudinal lig longus coli m.
Cervical spinous process att.
spelius capitis, splenius cervicis, semispinalis cervicis
Malleus att.
tensor tympani m.
What muscles abduct the eye?
Inferior oblique m. Superior oblique m. Lateral rectus m.
Medial Rectus m. action and attachments
Common tendinous ring to medial aspect of sclera eye: adduction
Muscles of the pharynx
Inferior, middle and superior constrictor m. salpingopharyngeus m. stylopharyngeus m.
Superior oblique m. attachments and actions
superomedial, posterior aspect of orbit (body of sphenoid) Superolateral, posterior aspect of sclera passing aroudn trochlea Eye: depression, abduction, intorsion
Frontalis m. action. and attach.
Superficial fascia of eyebrows to epicranial aponeurosis scalp protraction elevates eyebrows elevates nose
What muscles elevate eye?
Inferior oblique m. Superior rectus m.
Mylohyoid m. action and attachments
Mylohyoid line of mandible to midline faphe and anterior aspect of hyoid body. Elevation of floor of oral cavity
Lateral surface of zygomatic bone
zygomaticus major masseter m.
Innervation of superior oblique m.
trochlear n.
Incisive fossa on mandible attachments
Mentalis m.
Semispinalis cervicis m. action and attachment
Supper thoracic transverse process to cervical transverse process Neck: extension
Stylohyoid m. innervation
Facial n. (n. to stylohyoid)
Semispinalis capitis m. action and attachment
Upper thoracic and cervical transverse process to occipital bone between inferior and superior nuchal lines Head; extension
inferior nuchal line att.
rectus capitis posterior Major an minor semispinalis capitis m.
platysma m. innervations
Facial n. cervical branches
Temporalis m. action and attachments
Temporal fossa to coronoid process and anterior border (temporal crest) of ramus of mandible Elevation, retraction of mandible
Hyoid body att.
geniohyoid genioglossus hyoglossus mylohoid sternohyoid omohyoid thryohyoid
External occipital protuberance att
ligamentum nuchae
What is responsible for hyoid depression?
Omohyoid sternohyoid thyrohyoid
Superior Rectus m. action and attachments
Common tendinous ring to superior aspect of sclera Eye: elevation, adduction, intorsion
Coronoid process of mandible att.
temporalis m.
Mastoid notch att
posterior belly of digastric m.
Thyroepiloglotticus m. AAI
thyroid angle and epiglottic margin widens glottis
Longissimus capitis innervation
dorsal rami of cervical spinal
pterygoid fossa att.
medial pterygoid m.
Posterior digastric m. action and attachments
Temporal mastoid notch to intermediate tendon (greater cornu of hyoid) Depression of mandible elevation of hyoid
Thyrohyoid m. action and atachments
Thyroid lamina to hyoid bone depression of hyoid thyroid cartilage elevation
Longus colli innervation
Ventral rami of cervical spinal n.
Scalenus posterior m. action and attachments
Lower cervical processes to 2nd rib Elevation of 2nd rib during forced insp.
Superior genial tubercle att.
Genioglossus m.
Muscles of the tongue
Genioglussus, hyoglossus, styloglossus
Levator veli palatini m. A, A, I
Petrous temporal bone and adj. carotid canal and cartilagenous portion of auditory tube to soft palate elevates soft palate vagus n. - Pharyngeal branch
Anterior surface of maxilla att.
nasalis m.
Levator anguli oris m. action and attachment
Canine fossa of maxilla to angle of mouth raises angle of mouth
what innervates depressor anguli oris m.?
Marginal mandibular branch of facial n.
Anterior Digastric m. action and attachments
Digastric fossa on mandible to intermediate tendon of hyoide (greater cornu) Depression of mandible (during deliberate depression) Hyoid: elevation
Mandibular angle att.
masseter medial pterygoid
Medial Rectus m. innervation
Inferior ramus of oculomotor n.
Scalenus posterior m. innervation
Ventrla rami of cervical spinal n.
What are the anteriolateral neck muscles superior to hyoid?
Anterior and posterior digastric stylohyoid mylohyoid geniohyoid
Depressor labii inferioris m. innervation
Marginal mandibular branch of facial n.
Inferior oblique m. attachments and actions
Lateral maxilla to nasolacrimal gland and inferolateral, posterior aspect of sclera Eye: elevation, abduction, extorsion
mentalis m. innervation
Facial n. - marginal mandibular branch
Zygomaticus Major m. action and attachments
zygomatic bone to angle of mouth Raises buccal angle
Orbicularis oculi m. attachment and action
orbital margin and medial palpebral ligament to superficial fascia of the eyelid Palpebral sphincter *closes eye
Levator palpebrae superioris m. action and attachments
inferior aspect of lesser wing of sphenoid to arus and skin of upper lid Elevation of supper lid
Partietal bone external surface att.
temporalis m.
Inferior constrictor m. AA
cricoid thyroid cartilage to medial pharyngeal raphe Sphincter and peristalsis actions in swallowing
what muscles rectract mandible?
Masseter m., temporalis m.
Stapedius m. AAI
Stapes dampens vibrations of stapes facial n. (n to stapedius m.)
Posterior tubercle att. of atlas
ligamentum nuchae, rectus capitis posterior minor m.
Alveolar process of maxilla att.
buccinator m.
Sternohyoid m. innervation
Ansa Cervicalis m.
Crista galli att.
falx cerebri
Mastoid process att.
SCM, splenius capitis, longissimus capitis
What muscles adduct the eye?
Superior Rectus medial rectus inferior rectus (NOT lateral rectus)
Rectus capitis posterior major m. A and A
Spinous process of axis to adjacent occipital bone Head extension
innervation of semispinalis cervicis m.
dorsal rami of cervical spinal
Internal occipital protuberance att.
falx cerebelli
innervation of anterior digastric m.
Mylohyoid branch of inferior alveolar n. (mandibular n.)
Alveolar part of mandible att.
buccinator m.
Hyoglossus m. action and attachements
Greater cornu and body of hyoid to lateral aspect of tongue Tongue depression Hypoglossal n.
Salpingopharyngeus m. and A
Cartilage of auditory tube to lateral wall of pharynx Elevation of superior and lateral pharyngeal wall
Greater cornu att
middle constrictor hyoglossus stylohyoid m. intermediate tendon of digastric