Brain/NS Flashcards
Arachnoid villa
are arachnoid granulations tufted prolongations of the arachnoid that protrude through meningeal layer of dura into dural venous sinuses Large form granular fovolae
Anterior Cranial Fossa
Contains frontal lobe Border is lesser wing of sphenoid bone
What transmits CSF to superior sagital sinus?
arachnoid granulations - made of inner layer of dura mater
What nerves are located in the Cerebral hemispheres?
Olfactory bulb and tract
what separates the occipital from the cerebellum?
tentorium cerebelli
Falx cerebri
the largest dural foldings lies in longitudinal cerebral fissure separates right and left cerebral hemispheres attaches from frontal crest of frontal bone and crista galli of ethmoidal to internal occipital protuberance posteriorly. is continuous posteriorly with tentorium cerebellis
What is stuck on the inner surface of the inner dura mater?
arachnoid mater
What nerves are located in the diencephalon?
Optic N. Optic Chiasm optic tract
What separates cerebellar hemispheres?
falx cerebelli
what nerves originate from the midbrain?
Oculmotor, and trochlear
What meninge layer is stuck on the brain?
pia mater
Subdural space
Potential space between inner dura and arachnoid mater Leads to subdural hematoma
Point just posterior to the optic chiasm of diencephalon
what separates the frontal from parietal lobe
Central sulcus
Angle of cranial base humans vs. chimpanzee
CBA is much more flexed in humans than in chimps so this allowed the posterior cranial fossa to drop down with the cerebellum and brainstem allowed room for larger occipital and parietal lobe
Tentorium Cerebelli
second largest dura foldings separates occipital lobes from the cerebellum Attaches to clinoid proccesses of sphenoid, to petrous temporal, and posterolaterally to inner occipital and parietal
Medulla nerves
glossopharyngeal, vagus, hypoglossa
Cerebral peduncles
structures on the midbrain that oculomotor runs medially to
Petrous Pyramid angle humans vs. chimpanzee
Petrous portion of temporal bone swings laterally to give more room for cravity
What is the outmost layer of meninges?
Dura Mater Outer layer
Dura Mater Inner Layer
Just inside outer layer of dura mater and surrounds inner skull. Continuous with dura mater of spinal cord at foramen magnum
Frontal Lobe Humans vs. Chimps
Humans is superior to orbit Chimps is posterior to orbit
what layer is continuous with spinal dura mater?
Inner layer of dura mater
located just posterior to infundibulum on the diencephalon
Mamillary bodies
what is the space between bone and periostium called?
epidural space
Mammillary bodies
located just posterior to infundibulum on the diencephalon
How does CSF get into circulation?
CSF is in circulation in subarachnoid space and returns to venus blood at arachnoid granulations
Falx Cerebelli
Vertical dural infolding inferior to tentorium cerebelli on posterior cranial fossa Attaches to internal occipital crest and separates cerebellar hemispheres
The oculomotor n. runs medially to the __________ on the brain?
cerebral peduncles
Lateral sulcus
separates the frontal and parietal from the temporal lobes
Posterior cranial fossa
Contains the cerebellum and brainstem anterior border is Petrous of temporal bone contains foramen magnum
Dura Mater Outer layer
Outerlayer - periosteum of skull Wraps outside and inside skull
Cavernous sinus
large venous plexus located on each side of sella turcica
Epidural space for spinal cord
Space between dura and periostium, contains fat and veins
where is Cerebral Spinal Fluid found?
Subarachnoid space between arachnoid mater and pia mater
Pia Mater
Stuck intimately on brain and follows gyri and sulci continuous with pia mater on spinal cord
What is the dura mater separation of right and left cerebral hemispheres?
falx cerebri
what is the potential space between dura and arachnoid mater?
subdural space
what nerves originate from the pons?
Trigeminal, abducens, facial, vetibulocochlear
Diencephalon infundibulum
Point just posterior to the optic chiasm
Central sulcus
separates the frontal from parietal lobe
What is the epidural space?
potential space between bone and periosteum contains meningeal arteries
Tentorial Notch
Concave, antero-medial border of tenorium cerebelli which the brainstem extends from posterior into middle cranial fossa known as jaws of death because with increase pressure due to a lesion, it will start pushing on the temporal lobe and it herniates into posterior cranial fossa. This will crush midbrain and cause not enough O2 or blood to get inside
What is the arachnoid mater?
Suck on inner layer of dura mater. Continuous with spinal cord
Middle Cranial Fossa
Contains temporal lobe Anteriorly bordered by lesser wing of sphenoid bone, middle is sella turcica and posterior border it petrous temporal bone.