Muscles Flashcards
Superficial pectoral
Origin: sternum
Insertion: crest of greater tubercle and cranial humeral border
Action: adduct thoracic limb
Deep pectoral
Origin: sternum
Insertion: greater/lesser tubercles
Action: adduct thoracic limb and pull it caudally
Origin: clavicular intersection
Insertion: distal cranial humerus, mastoid process of temporal bone, dorsal midline of neck
Action: pull thoracic limb cranially and depress head/neck laterally
Cranial-most: wing of atlas
Caudal-most: distal spine of scapula
Action: pull thoracic limb cranially and depress head/neck laterally
Origin: dorsal neck and dorsal thorax
Insertion: spine of scapula
Action: elevate thoracic limb
Origin: dorsal neck (cervicis), dorsal thorax (thoracis), nuchal crest of occipital bone (capitis)
Insertion: dorsal border of scapula and scapular cartilage
Action: elevate thoracic limb
Serratus ventralis
Origin: cervical vertebrae and thoracic wall of ribs
Insertion: serrated face of scapula
Action: support and elevate trunk
Latissimus dorsi
Origin: thoracolumbar fascia
Insertion: teres major tuberosity
Action: draw thoracic limb caudally, flex/extend humeral joint
Origin: sternum
Insertion: mastoid process and occipital bone
Action: depress head and neck, draw them laterally
Origin: sternum
Insertion: basihyoid
Action: pull tongue and larynx caudally
Origin: cranial aspect of sternum
Insertion: thyroid cartilage
Action: pull tongue and larynx caudally
Origin: spine of scapula and acromion
Insertion: deltoid tuberosity
Action: flex humeral joint
Origin: supraspinous fossa
Insertion: greater tubercle
Action: extend humeral joint
Origin: subscapular fossa
Insertion: lesser tubercle
Action: adduct limb
Origin: infraspinous fossa
Insertion: greater tubercle
Action: flex humeral joint, abduct limb
Teres major
Origin: caudal border of scapula
Insertion: teres major tuberosity
Action: flex humeral joint
Biceps brachii
Origin: supraglenoid tubercle
Insertion: radial and ulnar tuberosity
Action: flex cubital joint and extend humeral joint
Origin: brachial groove
Insertion: proximal radius and ulna
Action: flex cubital joint
Triceps brachii
Origin: caudal border of scapula (long head), proximal humerus (all other heads)
Insertion: olecranon tuber
Action: flex humeral joint (long) and extend cubital joint (all other heads)
Extensor carpi radialis
Origin: lateral epicondyle
Insertion: dorsal base of 2 and 3 metacarpals
Action: extend carpal joints
Common digital extensor
Origin: lateral epicondyle
Insertion: extensor processes of distal phalanges
Action: extend carpal and digital joints
Lateral digital extensor (thoracic)
Origin: lateral epicondyle
Insertion: distal phalanges and/or proximal/medial lateral digits
Action: extend carpal and digital joints
Ulnaris lateralis
Origin: lateral epicondyle
Insertion: accessory carpal bone and lateral base of 5th metacarpal
Action: flex carpal joints, abduct manus