Muscles Flashcards
It is located lateral to the face. On the temporal bone
Located in the middle of the neck. Inferior to the head.
Located on the sternum and clavicle. Lateral to the neck.
Pectoralis Major
Located on the chest. Superficial to the ribs.
Pectoralis Minor
Located on the sides of the chest. Deep to the pectoralis major.
Located on the inferior side of the cat. Posterior to the head.
Located lateral to the stomach.
External Intercoastals
Muscles located within the walls of the ribs. Deep to the ribs.`
Serratus Ventralis
Located on the ribs of the cat. Deep to the external intercoastals.
Rectus Abdominus
Located on the belly area. Superficial to the stomach.
External Obliques
Located lateral to the rectus abdominus.
Internal Obliques
Located deep to the external obliques.
Transversus Abdominis
Located deep to the Internal obliques. Very deep muscle.
Located lateral to the arms. Near the elbow joint.
Triceps Brachii
Located in the posterior side of the arm.
Located inferior to the brachialis.
Located inferior to the brachioradialis.
Biceps Brachii
Located on the anterior portion of the arm.
Located inferior to the biceps brachii.