Muscle Physiology Flashcards
Functions of the muscular system
- move the body
- maintain posture
- produce body heat
- respiration
- communication
- constriction of organs/vessels
- heart beat
muscle properties
- contractility (ability to shorten)
- excitability (how easily they react to stimuli)
- extensibility (ability to be stretched beyond normal length)
- elasticity (ability to recoil to original strength after stretching)
smooth muscle
Involuntary muscle located in the walls of blood vessels and internal organs
Cardiac Muscle
involuntary, striated muscle found only in the heart
skeletal muscle
striated, voluntary muscle, over 400 in the body
Skeletal muscle function
- movement
- breathing
- postural support
- heat production during cold stress
what are the layers of skeletal muscle connective tissue?
epimysium- surrounds the entire muscle, continuous with tendons
perimysium- surrounds bundles of muscle fibers
endomysium- surrounds each individual muscle fiber
the muscle cell membrane, surrounds each muscle fiber, fuses with tendon
contain contractile elements, divided into sarcomeres
fluid part of muscle fiber separating myofibrils. contains myoglobin, which carries o2 in the muscle
sarcomere region which contains actin, extends to end of myosin filament
sarcomere region w/ overlapping actin and myosin
center of A band, contains only myosin, only visible in the resting state
bundles of protein filament
the thin myofibril filament, attached to the z line, contains the active binding site for myosin