Muscle Length Assessment Flashcards
What is a positive assessment
- when motion is limited during a muscle length assessment
Describe hamstring muscle length assessment
- patient is supine
- passive flexion of the hip with full knee extension
- take the hip flexion goniometric angle
- opposite hip must remain extended
- normal ROM: 70-80 degrees hip flexion
Describe hamstring muscle length 90/90 assessment
- patient is supine
- flex hip to 90 degrees and then passively extend the knee
- take the knee extension goniometric
- avoid dorsiflexion of the ankle
- normal ROM: no more than 20 degrees from full knee extension
Straight leg test and sciatic nerve tension
- cause pain before 30 degrees - think disc issue
- cause pain before 75 degrees - think sciatic nerve tension
- cause pain over 75 degrees - note it if it is not symmetrical
Describe the sciatic nerve tension slump testing position
- full trunk flexion
- hip flexion in seated position
- full knee extension
- ankle dorsiflexion
Describe sciatic nerve tension slump testing results
- dorsiflex ankle & get to the same spot as hamstring test it suggests hamstring burn
- dorsiflex ankle & get to less ROM than hamstring test it suggests sciatic nerve
Describe piriformis muscle length assessment
- patient is supine
- hip flexion greater than 90 degrees, hip external rotation, hip horizontal adduction
- compare side to side
Describe Thomas test (iliopsoas & rectus femoris)
- patient is supine with legs over end of table
- patient begins seated, is assisted to supine w/both knees to chest, then release affected leg
- take hip flexion (iliopsoas) or knee flexion (rectus femoris) goniometric
- don’t allow anterior tilt of the pelvis
- normal ROM: posterior thigh flat on table & knee flexed at least 80 degrees
Describe iliopsoas muscle length assessment alternative
- patient is prone
- flex knee to 70 degrees while stabilizing the pelvis & passively extend the hip
- avoid lumbar extension
Describe Ely’s test (rectus femoris)
- patient is prone
- passively flex the knee
- take knee flexion goniometric
- don’t allow elevation of the pelvis or flexion of the hip
- normal ROM: full knee flexion
Describe the position for the femoral nerve tension slump test
- side lying
- full trunk flexion
- hip & knee flexion
- passively pull top leg into hip extension
Describe Ober test (IT band)
- patient is sidling on unaffected side
- knee flexed to 90 degrees, examiner passively abducts & extends the hip
- stabilize the pelvis in the frontal plane and allow the leg to lower towards the table
- don’t allow pelvis rotation
- normal ROM: upper leg parallel to table
Describe weight bearing gastrocnemius muscle length assessment
- patient is standing with affected leg in slight hip extension, heel flat on floor
- patient shifts forward towards wall
- take ankle dorsiflexion goniometric or inclinometer
- don’t allow the heel to rise
- normal ROM: comparison to unaffected side
Describe pectoralis major sternal fibers assessment
- patient is supine
- abduct shoulder to 135 degrees & externally rotate with elbow extended
- measure lateral epicondyle to table with tape measure
- normal ROM: arm flat on table
Describe pectoralis major clavicular fibers assessment
- patient is supine
- abduct shoulder to 90 degrees, externally rotate, & extend elbow
- measure lateral epicondyle to table with tape measure
- normal ROM: arm flat on table
Describe pectoralis minor assessment
- patient is supine
- shoulders are relaxed at side, elbows should be slightly flexed & elevated from table with small towel
- measure posterior acromion to table with tape measure
Describe latissimus dorsi assessment
- patient is supine with knees flexed & lumbar spine flat
- flex shoulders with arms close to head & elbows fully extended
- take shoulder flexion goniometric
- don’t allow lumbar spine to extend
- normal ORM: arm flat on table