Muscle ID, etc. Flashcards
What’s the action of the frontalis?
elevates the eyebrows
What’s the action of the temporalis?
closes jaws by elevating mandible
What’s the action of the orbicularis oculi?
contracts individually around the eye (blinking, winking, squinting)
What’s the action of the orbicularis oris?
closes, purses, and protrudes the lips
What’s the action of the masseter?
agonist in elevating the mandible
What’s the action of the risorius?
draws angle of the mouth laterally
What’s the action of the modiolus?
point of muscle origins and insertions
What’s the action of the buccinator?
retraction of the mandible
What’s the action of the digastric?
open mouth; depress mandible; elevate hyoid
What’s the action of the stylohyoid?
elevates and retracts hyoid
What’s the action of the mylohyoid?
elevates hyoid and floor of mouth
What’s the action of the platysma?
depresses mandible; pulls down lower lip; tenses neck skin
What’s the action of the sternohyoid?
depresses hyoid
What’s the action of the sternocleidomastoid?
head and neck flexion; rotation of the head
Identify this muscle.
Identify this muscle.
Identify this muscle.
orbicularis oculi
Identify this muscle.
orbicularis oris
Identify this muscle.
Identify this muscle.
Identify this muscle.
Identify this muscle.
Identify this muscle.
Identify this muscle.
Identify this muscle.
Identify this muscle.
Identify this muscle.
What’s the action of the scalenes?
ipsilateral flexion or contralateral rotation of the head; elvates ribs
What’s the action of the trapezius?
laterally flexes neck; elevate, depress, retract, and laterally rotate scapula
What’s the action of the pectoralis major?
agonist in flexion, adduction and medial rotation of the humerus; synergist in forced inspiration
What’s the action of the pectoralis minor?
syngergist in scapula protraction, abduction and raising of arm
What’s the action of the serratus anterior?
prime mover to protract scapula, abduction and raising of arm (punching); “boxer’s muscle”