Muscle Fatigue And Plasticity Flashcards
Colloquial definition of fatigue
Reduction in physical or mental performance
Physiological definition of fatigue
1 failure to maintain the required or expected force
- definition appropriate for isometric contraction)
2 failure to maintain force, power, velocity
- definition for dynamic contraction
What is submaximal fatigue
Some fibres become fatigued and less able to generate force (power) so additional motor units recruited in order to achieve the same task
- increased effort required to maintain submaximal task
How is skeletal muscle controlled by the nervous system
Controlled by CNS via alpha-motor neuron efferents
Where are alpha-motor neurons cell bodies
Cell bodies localized to ventral horn
How does one muscle fibres get innervated
What determines exercise duration
Ability of muscle to meet energy needs for exercise
What factors impact fatigue and what factors do not impact fatigue
Do- metabolic byproducts, mental fatigue, pain, rapid failure of fast motor units, accumulation of Pi and lactic acid
Don’t- depleted energy stores = ATP always present
Where does fatigue occur neurally
Any point between CNS or PNS
Central vs peripheral fatigue
Central- associated with CNS (pre motor cortex, motor cortex, descending pathways, motor neuron activation/inhibition)
Peripheral- associated with function of motor units (NMJ, sarcolemma, T-tubules, voltage sensors, RYR1, Cav1.1, Ca availability, actin myosin interaction)
Causes of central fatigue
- reduced excitatory drive from the motor cortex
- presynaptic inhibition may be increased via increased firing of III-IV afferents
- neural factors: 5-HT, DA, NA, play an important role during exercise- heat
- exercise induced increases in neurotransmitters?
How is central fatigue measured
Using twitch interpolation
What is central fatigue hypothesis
Exercise induced increases in these neurotransmitters lead to CNS fatigue
What is the twitch interpolation technique
- subject performs maximum voluntary contraction
- partway through maximal electrical stimulation elicits a twitch
- if force increases during interpolated twitch- shows that muscle was capable of generating extra force
- so poor force during MVC was due to reduced motor drive from CNS
How does peripheral fatigue occur and why
Two phases- rapid fall and slower decline
Rapid- due to fatigue of type II fibres (type I fatigue resistant)