Muscle cards Flashcards
Special Note:
Longest muscle
Upper 1/3 = lateral border of femoral triangle
Lower 2/3 = superficial to fibrous roof of adductor canal
Proximal Attachment = anterior superior iliac spine + notch below
Distal Attachment = via aponeurosis to medial tibial shaft
Nerve Supply = L2/3, anterior division of femoral nerve
Action =
1. Hip joint (weak flexor, lateral rotator, assist in abduction)
2. Knee joint(flexor, medially rotate leg when knee flexed)
Special Note = posterior wall of femoral triangle (behind femoral vessels)
Proximal Attachment = pecten pubis
Distal Attachment = line in between lesser trochanter and linea aspera
Nerve Supply = femoral nerve (L2/3) + accessory obturator nerve (L3)
Action = Hip joint flexor
Proximal Attachment = upper 2/3 of the concavity of the iliac fossa, the inner lip of the iliac crest, the ventral sacro-iliac/iliolumbar ligaments and the upper surface of the lateral part of the sacrum.
Distal Attachment = lateral side of the tendon of psoas major + lesser trochanter of the femur
Nerve Supply = L2/3, branch of femoral nerve
Action = Hip joint (flexor, medially/laterally rotate) - joined with psoas major
Psoas Major
Proximal Attachment = Vertebral body margins of T12 - L5 and intervening discs
Distal Attachment = Lesser trochanter of femur
Nerve Supply = Branch of ventral rami of L1-3
Action = Hip joint (flexor, medially/laterally rotate) - joined with psoas major
Rectus Femoris
Proximal Attachment = 2 heads (anterior inferior iliac spine + a groove on the upper surface of the acetabulum/fibrous capsule of the hip joint
Distal Attachment = Upper border of patella
Nerve Supply = 2 branches from posterior division of femoral nerve
Action =
1. Hip joint = flexor
2. Extend leg with all other components of quadriceps
Vastus Lateralis
Proximal Attachment = continuous linear attachment on the femur
Distal Attachment = Upper/lateral border of patella + lateral tibial condyle
Nerve Supply = branch from posterior division of femoral nerve
Action = Extend leg with all other components of quadriceps
Vastus Medialis
Proximal Attachment = continuous linear attachment to upper postero-medial femur
Distal Attachment = Via quadriceps tendon to medial patella + medial tibial condyle
Nerve Supply = branch from posterior division of femoral nerve (L2-4)
Action = Extend leg with all other components of quadriceps
Vastus Intermedius
Covered superficially by Vastus lateralis and rectus femoris
Proximal Attachment = anterolateral proximal 2/3 of femoral shaft
Distal Attachment = Via aponeurosis to quadriceps tendon
Nerve Supply = branch from posterior division of femoral nerve (L2-4)
Action = Extend leg with all other components of quadriceps
What muscles are within the anterior compartment of the thigh? (+functions)
Adductor Longus
Special Note:
Most anterior of three adductor muscles
In same coronal plane as pectineus
Proximal Attachment = between the crest and symphysis of pubis
Distal Attachment = via aponeurosis into the medial lip of the linear aspera
Nerve Supply = anterior division of obturator nerve (L2-4 Ventral Rami)
Action =
1. Hip joint (Adductor, medially rotate)
2. Knee joint(flexor, medially rotate leg when knee flexed)
Adductor Brevis
Proximal Attachment = inferior ramus of pubic bone
Distal Attachment = upper 1/2 of the linea aspera and to the lower 2/3 of the line between the lesser trochanter and linear aspera
Nerve Supply = anterior division of obturator nerve (L2-4 Ventral Rami)
Action = Adduct hip joint
Adductor Magnus
Proximal Attachment = continuous curvilinear attachment onto the lateral surface of the conjoined ischiopubic ramus and the infero-lateral aspect of the ischial tuberosity
Distal Attachment = Broad aponeurosis (with holes for passage of vessels)
Nerve Supply = posterior division of obturator nerve (L2-4 Ventral Rami) + tibial division of sciatic nerve
Action = Hip joint (adduct, extend, medially rotate)
Proximal Attachment = anterior surface of the body of the pubis + adjacent inferior pubic ramus
Distal Attachment = upper medial surface of tibial shaft (posterior to that of sartorius)
Nerve Supply = anterior division of obturator nerve (L2/3 Ventral Rami)
Action =
1. Hip joint (Weak adductor)
2. Knee (Flexor, Medially rotate when flexed)
Gluteus Maximus
Proximal Attachment = gluteal (posterior) surface of the ilium, sacrum and coccyx
Distal Attachment =
Gluteus Medius
Gluteus Minimus
Superior gemellus
Obturator internus
Inferior gemellus
Quadratus femoris
Which structures create boundaries of popliteal fossa?
Superomedial - semimembranosus
Superolateral - biceps femoris
Inferomedial - medial head of the gastrocnemius
Inferolateral – lateral head of the gastrocnemius and plantaris
Proximal Attachment = superomedial ischial tuberosity (together with biceps femoris)
Distal Attachment = upper medial surface of tibial shaft (posterior to that of gracilis)
Nerve Supply = Sciatic nerve
Action =
1. Hip joint (Extension)
2. Knee (Flexor, Medially rotate when flexed)
Proximal Attachment = superolateral ischial tuberosity
Distal Attachment = posterior medial tibial condyle
Nerve Supply = Sciatic nerve
Action =
1. Hip joint (Extension)
2. Knee (Flexor, Medially rotate when flexed)
Pectoralis minor
Origin = outer surface of 3rd, 4th and 5th ribs, near costochondral junctions
Insertion = medial border + upper surface of tip of coracoid process
Nerve Supply = Medial pectoral nerve (C6,7,8)
Action = Pulls shoulder girdle forwards and downwards
Pectoralis major
Origin = outer surface of 3rd, 4th and 5th ribs, near costochondral junctions
Insertion = medial border + upper surface of tip of coracoid process
Nerve Supply = Medial pectoral nerve (C6,7,8)
Action = Pulls shoulder girdle forwards and downwards