Muscle and Nervous Tissue Flashcards
Describe a Muscle tissue
-it is specialized for contraction
-generates force to produce motion of body parts
-moves substances through blood vessels and organs
-maintains body temperature
Describe nervous tissue
-receives, processes and integrates signals from within the body and from the external environment
-generates and transmits impulses that control and integrate the various functions of the body
What are the characteristics of the muscle tissue
-elongated cells(longer than wide)
-specialized to contract(myofilaments: actin and myosin)
->generates force
What are the different types of muscle tissue
- Skeletal Muscle
-cylindrical, with multiple peripheral nuclei
-powerful contractions but fatigued easily
-attaches to bone: voluntary contractions through somatory innervation - Cardiac Muscle
-single central nucleus, branching fibres with intercalated disks
-specialized for continuous and rhythmic beating
-involuntary contractions(autonomic innervation) - Smooth Muscle
-spindle-shaped with a central nucleus
->not arranged in an organized banding pattern
-slow sustained contractions(associated with viscera or organs)
-involuntary contractions
Are skeletal muscles wrapped in 3 connective tissue layers?
-these connective tissues:
->binds muscle together
->seperates muscle compartments
->transmits the force of contractions to the muscle attachment
What are the layers surrounding the muscle
-endomysium(surrounds individual muscle cells)
-perimysium(surrounds group of fibres(fascicles)
-epimysium(surrounds entire muscle(continuous with tendons)
Define a muscle cell
-skeletal muscle fibre formed by fusion of many myoblasts
What is each sarcoplasm of muscle cells filled with
-it is filled with myofibrils(myofilaments:actin and myosin) which are eosinophilic(stains red and pink)
-organelles are found between myofibrils
Are cardiac muscle heavily striated
-not as heavily striated as skeletal muscles
-contractile myofilaments work similarly to the skeletal muscles
-cardiac muscles fibres are also surrounded by connective tissue endomysium with many capillaries
What is a major component of cardiac muscles(hint it has to do with disks)
-intercalated disks
-they are complex, intercellular junctions between the ends of adjacent cardiac muscle fibres
-composed of interdigitating plasma membranes of adjacent fibres
-communicating cell junctions
->allows for ionic coupling between fibres via gap junctions
Describe smooth muscle
-non-striated, spindle shaped muscle fibres
-they are tightly interlaced with centrally located and oval shaped nuclei
-very little connective tissue compared to cardiac and skeletal muscle
-there are no myofibrils
-autonomic nerves and capillaries can be found in the surrounding connective tissue
-non-contractile organelles are located at the poles of the nucleus
Is skeletal muscle much larger than smooth muscle
Are neurons asymmetrical
->with long cytoplasmic processes
->there are 4 functional compartments: cell body, dendrites, axons, presynaptic terminals
What is the purpose of small glial cells
-they support in metabolism and structure and protect and provide framework for neurons
Are cell bodies really dark when stained
->because where most of the metabolic processes occur
What covers one axon, one bundle and the entire nerve
-endoneurium is the connective tissue over a nerve axon
-perineurium is a connective tissue over a fascile or a nerve bundle
-epineurium is a connective tissue over an entire nerve