Musckoskeltal Flashcards
Fibrous capsule of the hip
Composed of 3 ligaments
- Iliofemoral
- Ischia femoral
- Pubofemoral
Extends from the margin of the actebulum to the intertrochanteric line of the femur
Hip flexion
Femoral nerve
Muscles: iliopsoas, ️rectus femoris, sartorius
Extension of the hip
Inferior gluteal nerve
Gluteus maximum
Adduction of the hip
Obturator nerve
Adductors muscles
Abduction of the hip
Superior gluteal nerve
Gluteus minimus and medius
Internal rotation of the hip
External rotation of the hip
Blood supply to the femoral head
- Intramedullary vessels
- Retinacular vessel - from medial and lateral circumflex
- distal to proximal - Artery of the ligament of teres - only contributes in children
Ligament of teres
Connects fovea between the femoral head to acetabular fossa
Transmits artery of ligament of teres
Function of the anterior compartment of the arm
Forearm flexion
Innervation to the anterior compartment of the arm
Musculocutaneous nerve
Muscle in anterior compartment of the arm
Biceps brachii
Function, innervation and muscle of the posterior compartment of the arm
Fucntion: forearm extension
Nerve: radial
Muscle: triceps
Structures in the antecubital fossa
Superficial: median cubital vien
Deep: radial nerve, brachial artery, radial nerve
Muscle, function and innervation of the anterior compartment of the forearm
Superficial ▪️️pronator teres ▪️FCR - flexor carpi radialis ▪️️palmaris longus ▪️ FDS - flexor digitorium superficialis ▪️FCU - flexor carpi ulnaris
▪️️FDP - flexor digatorium profundus
▪️FPL- flexor palmAris longus
▪️pronator quadratus
▪️median nerve - with exception of ulnar nerve for ️️FCU and medial part of ️️FDP
Borders of carpal tunnel
Carpal bones
Flexor retinaculum
Contents of the carpal tunnel
4 tendon of FDS
4 tendons of ️️FDP
1 tendon of ️FPL
Median nerve
Contents of the anatomical snuff box
Radial artery
Cephalic vien
Dorsal cutaneous branch of the radial nerve
Borders of the anatomical snuff box
Lateral: APL, EPB
Medial: EPL
proximal: radial styloid process
Floor: scaphoid and trapezium
Function, nerve and muscle of the anterior compartment of the leg
- dorsiflexion of foot (l5-S1)
- extension of the toes and eversion of the foot: l5
Nerve - deep fibular nerves
- tibialis anterior
- fibularis tertius
Fucntion, nerve and muscle of lateral compent of the leg
Function: evert foot - s1
Nerve : superficial fibular nerve
Muscles : fubularis longus, fubularis brevis
Muscle, nerve and function of the posterior compartent of the leg
▪️plantarflexion of the foot - s1-2
▪️flexes the toes and invert the foot
Nerve - tibial nerve
Superficial: gastrocnemius, plantaris, soleus
Deep: popliteus, FHL, FDL, Tibalis posterior (l5)
Innervation of the posterior compartment of the forearm
Radial nerve
Carpal bones
Scaphoid Lunate Triquitrium Pisiform Trapezium Trapezoid Capate Hamate