Multiple Regression Practice Flashcards
What assumptions need to be checked before hand
Multicolineraity and tolerance
How are assumptions for multiconlineraity evaluated
By VIF >10 and Tolerance <0.1 and no correlation between variables r
By looking at the graph, how would you know that normality has been met
By the data following a symmetrical and bell shape curve
What graph shows multicollinearity
What graph shows normality
P-P plot
By looking at the P-P plot how do you know that normality is assumed
The dots lying almost exactly along the diagonal line throughout the plot
What graph indicates homoscedasicity
By looking at the scatter plot how do you know homoscedasicity is assumed
Points being randomly and evenly dispersed throughout with Cooks distance <1
What graph needs to be presented with all the variables and their relationships
Correlation Table
What does the greatest correlation suggest
Likely that the highly correlated variable to the DV will be a predictor
What does an r2 value indicate
The amount of variability in the model accounted for by the DV
What does the r2 value need to be mutlipeld by to get percentage
What does an adjusted r2 value being close to the R2 value indicate
Good cross variability of the model
After the R2 what needs to be conducted to ensure the model is significantly better than the mean
What does the table need to contain to establish the best predictors
Beta weights