Multiple pregnancy Flashcards
What are the different types of twins?
Dizygotic: two eggs.
Monozygotic: one egg.
Dichorionic diamniotic: division before day 3.
Monochorionic diamniotic: division between days 4-8.
Monochorionic monoamniotic: division between days 9-13 (rare).
What are the antepartum complications of multiple pregnancy?
Maternal: GDM, pre-eclampsia, anaemia, preterm labour.
Fetal: greater mortality and long term handicap; preterm delivery, IUGR, monochorionicity; early miscarriage of one twin, or both late.
What are the complications of monochorionicity?
Twin-twin transfusion syndrome: one gets anaemia, IUGR, oligohydramnios, the other gets volume overload, polycythaemia, cardiac failure, polyhydramnios. High risk of death in utero or severe prematurity.
Co-twin death: if one dies, drop in blood pressure allows transfusion, hypovolaemia and death / neurological damage in 30%.
Monoamniotic twins: In utero demise common.
What are the intrapartum complications of multiple pregnancy?
Malpresentation of the first twin.
Fetal distress is more common.
Intrapartum death of the second twin due to hypoxia, cord prolapse, tetanic uterine contraction, abruption.
How do you differentiate dichorionic from monochorionic twins?
USS - dichorionic have a lambda sign, monochorionic have a T sign.
At what gestation can selective reduction take place?
How do you manage multiple pregnancies?
Consultant led care.
Monochorionic: USS surveillance from 12wks. USS between 16-22wks for TTTS (look for tricuspid regurgitation).
Treat twin-twin anastamoses by laser photocoagulation.
Intrapartum: C-S at 37/38wks (dichorionic) or 34-37 (monochorionic).