Menopause and post-reproductive health Flashcards
What is the definition of menopause? And early menopause?
Menopause = amenorrhoea for 12 consecutive months.
Early menopause = menopause before age 40.
What are the main causes of post-menopausal bleeding?
Cancer: carcinoma of the endometrium / cervix / ovaries.
Premalignancy: endometrial hyperplasia and atypia,
Atrophic vaginitis.
Cervicitis, cervical polyps.
How would you investigate post-menstrual bleeding?
Clinical examination.
Smear if not done by screening programme.
TVUSS: endometrial thickness and other pathology. If endometrium is <4mm and only one episode of PMB, then hysteroscopy+biopsy not required.
Endometrial biopsy +- __Hysteroscopy to exclude malignancy.
What are the symptoms / consequences of the menopause?
Cardiovascular disease.
Vasomotor: hot flushes and night sweats.
Urogenital: Vaginal atrophy (dyspareunia, itching, burning), frequency, urgency, nocturia, incontinence.
Sexual: old people want less sex.
What score defines osteopaenia and osteoporosis?
T score of -1 - -2.5 = osteopaenia, >-2.5 = osteoporosis.
Where are the most common sites for osteoporotic fractures?
Wrist (colles).
What are the risk factors for osteoporotic fracture?
Early menopause.
Long term steroids.
Prolonged immobilisation.
Prior fracture.
How would you investigate the menopause?
FSH levels: Increased as ovaries fail. Best taken on day 2-5.
Anti-mullerian hormone: low levels correlate with few follicles. Can be measured any day.
TFTs, Catecholamines and 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid if response to HRT inadequate.
DEXA scan for osteoporosis.
What components make up HRT?
Oestrogen: for atrophic vaginitis, osteoporosis, hot flushes, loss of libido, incontinence.
Progestogen: protect the endometrium (unnecessary if hysterectomy).
Tibolone: steroid converted in vivo to have oestrogenic, progestogenic and androgenic effects. Treats vasomotor, psychological and libido problems and conserves bone mass.
Androgens: testosterone can be given to improve libido.
What HRT regimen is suitable for a woman with/out a uterus?
With: Oestrogen + progestogen.
Without: Oestrogen only.
How does HRT affect cancer risk?
Breast: increased in combined regime.
Endometrial: increased in oestrogeon only regime
Colon: decreased.