Congenital abnormalities Flashcards
When is it safest to do amniocentesis?
After 15wks.
What is amniocentesis used to diagnose?
Chromosomal abnormalities.
Infections: CMV, toxo.
Inherited disorders: sickle cell, thalassaemia, CF.
What is the miscarriage rate after amniocentesis?
When can chorionic villus sampling be performed from?
11 weeks.
What is chorionic villus sampling used for?
Chromosomal abnormalities.
Genetic conditions.
How common are chromosomal abnormalities?
What are the components of the down syndrome combined test?
Nuchal translucency scan.
Maternal age.
Blood tests: PAPP-A (low), beta-HCG (high).
What is the window for doing the combined test?
What does the triple test look at?
Blood: AFP, hCG, oestriol.
Less accurate than combined though!