What is multiple myeloma?
A malignant proliferation of plasma cells in the bone marrow.
What is the most common symptom of multiple myeloma?
Bone pain due to lytic lesions caused by osteoclast activation.
What are the common sites of lytic lesions in multiple myeloma?
Vertebrae, skull, ribs, and pelvis.
What is the hallmark finding on a blood smear in multiple myeloma?
Rouleaux formation of red blood cells.
What is the significance of an M spike in multiple myeloma?
Indicates monoclonal immunoglobulin production, typically IgG or IgA.
What is Bence Jones protein?
Monoclonal light chains excreted in urine, associated with multiple myeloma.
What are the complications of multiple myeloma?
Hypercalcemia, anemia, renal failure, and recurrent infections.
What causes hypercalcemia in multiple myeloma?
Osteolysis mediated by RANK ligand activation of osteoclasts.
What is the CRAB criteria for multiple myeloma?
Calcium elevation, Renal failure, Anemia, and Bone lesions.
What are the diagnostic criteria for multiple myeloma?
Monoclonal plasma cells >10% in bone marrow, M protein in serum/urine, and CRAB symptoms.
What is the role of serum protein electrophoresis in multiple myeloma?
Identifies M protein spikes indicating monoclonal gammopathy.
What is the common renal complication in multiple myeloma?
Myeloma kidney due to light chain deposition in renal tubules.
What is plasmacytoma?
A solitary mass of neoplastic plasma cells, which can occur in bone or soft tissue.
What is MGUS?
Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance, a precursor to multiple myeloma.
What is the difference between MGUS and multiple myeloma?
MGUS lacks CRAB symptoms and has <10% monoclonal plasma cells in the bone marrow.