Multiple Choice Questions Final Flashcards
The Athenians expelled the Persian garrison at Eion in _?
476 BCE
The Athenian naval empire is usually called the Delian League because
a. the Athenians established the League’s treasury on Delos
The Athenian state paid for the poor to attend the theater from a fund called
b. the theorikon
The reform of the Areopagus, in which key powers were transferred to the Council of Five Hundred, was instigated by
a. Ephialtes
Each year the Athenians elected officials to administer the ten tribes of Athens. These officials were known as
e. Phylarchs
The First Peloponnesian War was fought between
a. 460–445 BC
The Athenians may have negotiated a peace treaty with Persia in 449 BC, although this is not certain. The so-called peace is named for the Athenian ambassador who may have led the negotiations and was known as
b. Kallias
The northern Aegean was a focus of Athenian attention because
c. the region was rich in timber and metals
Cleruchies were an effective tool for reinforcing Athenian hegemony because
c. land in allied territories was now possessed directly by Athenians
Thucydides claims that the major source of discontent among Athens’ allies was
d. tribute
The original Athena temple on the Acropolis was destroyed by
the Persians
Around 414 BCE, the Athenians replaced the system of levying tribute with
a 5 percent tax on trade
Major buildings of the Periklean building programme included
the Parthenon and the Erechtheion
The Ionic frieze on the top of the Parthenon’s cella wall depicted
the Panathenaic procession
The most sacred area of the Akropolis was
the Erechtheion
In Hesiod’s explanation of how the gods first created women,
Hephaistos fashions the first woman from earth and water
Household slaves in Athens were referred to as
d. Oiketai
“God has left all men free; nature has made none a slave,” was said by
c. Alkidamas
The pursuit of high culture activities, such as poetry and philosophy, was possible because of the leisure time created by slave labor. The Greek term for these leisurely pursuits is
b. Scholê
Resident aliens living in Athens were subject to a tax referred to as the
a. Metoikion
Thucydides explicitly lays the blame for the Peloponnesian War
d. on Athens, whose growing power scared the Spartans
In the 430s BCE, the Megarian Decree
b. included Megara from the ports and markets of the Athenian empire
The cautious Spartan king at the outbreak of the war was
b. Archidamos
Periklean strategy consisted of two tenets:
c. rely on the walls for defense and the navy for supplies
The two commanders killed at Amphipolis in 422 BC were
b. Kleon and Brasidas
In 416/15 BC, the Melians surrendered to Athens, whereupon the Athenians
c. executed all the men and enslaved all the women and children
Immediately prior to the departure of the Sicilian Expedition,
the herm statues in the city of Athens were mutilated
Outside Syracuse, the Night Battle ended with
a. the retreat of the Athenian forces
In the final phase of the Peloponnesian War, the Spartans built a fort in Attica at
d. Dekelea
The Spartan commander Lysander concentrated Spartan efforts on attacking Athenian holdings in the Hellespont in order to
a. force the Athenian navy to fight
In victory, the Spartans imposed small ruling cliques known as
e. Decarchies
The Thirty were led by
a. Kritias
The King’s Peace of Persia in 386 BC is also known as
d. the Peace of Antalkidas
Negotiations to complete a common peace treaty collapsed in 371 BC and precipitated
a. the Battle of Leuktra
Epaminondas, the leader of the Theban army, sought to contain Sparta by building two powerful cities on Sparta’s borders. These were
e. Messene and Megalopolis
New light is being shed on the culture of northern Greece prior to the age of Philip and Alexander through excavations at
d. Aiani
In 357 BC, Philip captured
b. Amphipolis
The 20-foot-long Macedonian pike introduced by Philip was known as the
b. sarissa
Immediately after the annexation of Thessaly, Philip was able to involve himself in affairs in central Greece through his participation in
c. the Third Sacred War
The bones of the Sacred Band were buried
e. at Chaironeia, under the Lion statue
In the immediate aftermath of Chaironeia, Philip
d. invited representatives of the Greek states to Corinth
Upon the death of Philip, Alexander executed
a. Amyntas, son of Perdikkas III
b. Attalos
c. Cleopatra
d. Heromenes and Arribaios
After visiting the oracle of Zeus Ammon at Siwah, Alexander
e. added ram’s horns to his coin portraits
The last encounter between Alexander and Darius took place at
c. the Battle of Gaugamela
After the death of Darius and the crucifixion of Bessos, Alexander continued east into the Upper Satrapies, regions that today correspond to
a. Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Pakistan
Alexander reached the eastern limit of his conquests
b. when he conquered Porus
At the banquet at Opis, Alexander prayed for
b. unity and harmony between Macedonians and Persians
After Alexander’s death,
a. Roxane gave birth to their son, Alexander IV
b. his half-brother, Arrhidaios, was declared king Philip III
c. Perdikkas was named Guardian of the King
d. Antipater was confirmed as regent in Macedon
Ptolemy I moved to confirm his hold on Egypt by
a. kidnapping Alexander’s body
Aside from waging wars against each other, the Hellenistic dynasties also engaged in competition
b. in acting as benefactors of the Greeks
The Great Altar of Pergamon is often viewed as a good example of two dominant features of the Hellenistic age:
a. theatricality and monumentality
Happened in 406 BCE. Athenians had to rescue part of fleet blockaded at Mytilene, defeated the Spartans, and killed Spartan commander Kallikratidas. Athenians decided to send 8 commanders with most of the fleet to rescue the ships still blockaded and to rescue the stranded ships and overboard sailors. A violent storm prevented the rescue mission and the shipwrecked drown. Prosecution of the 8 commanders. Spartans sought peace, Athenians refused
405 BCE. Spartan commander Lysander attacked Athenian holdings in Aegean, base and counter-base, Athenians in a bad spot. Lysander repeatedly refused battle, and then surprise attacked the Athenians. Utter disaster for the Athenians. Athenians ended up surrendering in 404, end of the Peloponnesian War
371 BCE. Thebes vs Sparta. 7,000 Thebans vs 10,000 Spartans/allies. Theban win- 400 Spartans, including king died, 600 allies died, 47 Theban casualties
338 BCE. Phillip (Macedon) vs Thebans/Athenians. Phillip seized Thermopylae. 35,000 Greeks vs. 32,000 Macedonians. Alexander led left cavalry wing for the first time vs Theban Sacred Band. Macedonians win- Theban Sacred Band is wiped out. 1,000 Athenians dead, 2,000 captured. Thebans treated harshly, Athenians leniently
333 BCE. King Darius took over fighting himself. Persians went around the Amanus Mountains behind the Macedonians, Alexander turned to confront them, Darius’ Greek mercenaries drove wedge in Alexander phalanx, but he drove through to rout Darius and stack mercenaries from behind. Darius flees, Alexander captures the Persian royal women
332 BCE. Alexander was seizing Persian ports, and most welcomed him in, but Tyre refused. Alexander besieged the island by building a mole for his equipment, catapults only had a range of 270 m, Tyrians refused naval battle. Standoff lasts for 7-8 months. Tyrians, starving, tried a naval battle, lost, Greek forces take the city
331 BCE. Alexander wanted a decisive victory against Darius, marched north, where Darius’ troops lured the Macedonians to the plain of Gaugamela. Alexander charged at Darius, and Darius fled, Persians retreated when they heard of Darius flight, Alexander wanted to chase Darius, but had to help at the camp.
326 BCE. In Himalayas, Porus and the Indians vs Alexander and the Greeks. Greeks win, Porus becomes an ally
Hydaspes River
301 BCE. Antigones and Demetrius vs. Kassander, Lysimachos, and Seleukos. Antigonos killed by javelin at age 81, retreated but had powerful navy, eventually beaten by Lysimachos and Seleukos in 286